Plastic Bag Bans

When I crossed the border from Tanzania to Rwanda, the border patrol did not check my bag for drugs or weapons but wanted to know if I had plastic bags with me. Apparently stores there get shut down if they are found to be giving customers plastic bags. Overall their plastic bag ban seemed to have a positive effect. Rwanda was by far the cleanest country in Africa that I went to.

Donā€™t give a ā– ā– ā– ā–  about the plastic bag ban. Itā€™s one more needless decadence thatā€™s thankfully gone.

Pay for your own bags, why should everyone else have to fund your bag socialism? Right?

So unless you can provide 100% you shouldnā€™t try? So if a person has a brain tumour and the surgeon says you have a 95% chance of recovering but there is a 5% chance it wonā€™t help or you could die, that person should say unless you can give me an 100% guarantee I donā€™t want you to operate?

Itā€™s a brain-dead, holier-than-though line of discussion.

ā€œi UsE mY oWn BaGs AnD yOu ShOuLd Be LiKe Me!ā€

These are the same people who want to give their money to the Romans and let them do it instead.

Why be proud to be wasteful? Especially when itā€™s so incredibly easy not to be?

Iā€™m just glad there is no ban by me. Iā€™m in a pretty conservative area of NJ and not subject to any ban. When I retire I will probably be moving out of this crap state.

Like you have a clue what youā€™re talking about up there on that soapbox. Next thing, youā€™ll be preaching about how great you are for using the self-checkout lane. :rofl:

You must have a shoebox sized cat pan.

You are right! Another liberal idea gone bad, it never fails and anything and everything wrong in this country can be traced back to some kind of bleeding heart liberal cause! :roll_eyes:

That was a really dumb joke to people with clumping litter. lol

It wasnā€™t a jokeā€¦ I thought you were implying using the bags as cat pan liners.



Goes to show not everyone has the same system of cat waste management.

I honestly thought the same thing too.

He didnā€™t say he was proud to be wasteful.

Nor even that he was wasteful.

Why did you make that up?

I interpreted his choice of formatting to be his pride:

ā€œi UsE mY oWn BaGs AnD yOu ShOuLd Be LiKe Me!ā€

Seems like a proud way to display oneself. Maybe heā€™s not proud. Maybe heā€™s secretly shamed. I donā€™t know whatā€™s in his heart, but I know he needs his single use bags, and those are clearly a waste.

Yeah, it always puzzles me that Iā€™m the only one ever in the store who brings my own boxes. To me it seems like common sense - at least for folks with cars.

I see folks walking out to their cars and loading bag after bag into their car.Takes 'em 5 minutes.

I take 15 seconds and Iā€™m done and driving home.

Self-checkouts take jobs away from people who need them.

Sadly they are here to stay.



Euphemism for ā€œmaking it upā€.

No you donā€™t.
