Planned Parenthood shakeup

Board of directors ousted their president of 8 months, Lena Wen. I guess they want a more political President. According to officials at planned parenthood she wanted to reorient the group’s focus away from the abortion wars and more toward its role as a women’s health provider.
So their focus is not women’s health?
Saw this on this morning.

I don’t see the article on the website, but in light of recent news from abortion bans in Georgia and Alabama to petitions to ban them in Michigan, when the enemy is gunning for you and they’re at your doorstep, you don’t backdown and focus on other things.

Access to abortion is a woman’s healthcare issue. If the president doesn’t think it should be their focus, they are welcome to run their own healthcare provider.

“Access to abortion is a woman’s health care issue.”

It is? Really?

Many women don’t even support abortion past the first three months:

Now if the departing executive of PP has in mind focusing on other aspects of women’s health, like encouraging regular paps & mammograms and access to birth control to prevent abortion in the first place, I say more power to her.

However, if her wanting PP to focus less on the abortion issue & more on preventive access to women’s health is at odds with their mission, she is best served by finding other employment, or starting her own clinic or organization.

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The enemy?

My doorstep?

A bit dramatic no?

Not to pro-aborts.

One of the PP losses that precipitated this ouster was losing the lawsuit to delay the implementation of Trump’s Protect Life Rule that will now cost PP $60million in Title X “family planning” funding.

They filed the challenge in the 9th Circuit. Best shot to win a stay while the case is being litigated was in the 9th. But an 11-Judge panel ruled 7-4 not to stop implementation while PP’s challenge to Trump’s Protect Life Rule was being litigated. (Noteworthy, is that two of those 7 judges are newly appointed by Trump. Under older court demographics, it easily could have been a 6-5 ruling in favor of PP.)

I remember when Lena Wen was appointed PP’s President, and the media were all over themselves about the formidable foe she would be to the Trump administration.

I have noticed that a lot of people at the extremes of society, left and right, view the opposition as their enemy. If someone declares you to be their enemy, they are your enemy. It doesn’t really matter if you consider them to be an enemy. The “Pro-Life” movement has a lot of crazies in it that have a lot of power, so one must be on guard against them.

I’m not pro-abortion, I’m just not anti-abortion.

Well, from this I cannot tell if she was or wasn’t trying to steer the focus away from abortion rights.

It looks like PP may have a legitimate claim of tumultuous, ineffective management on her part, though, as well as the embarrassment of a few inaccuracies:

From your link:

Gallup finds that 60 percent of Americans believe abortion generally should be legal during the first three months of pregnancy, known as the first trimester.

Maybe PP needs to shift its focus there.

Your words betray you.

Yes really.

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No such thing.

Nope they say he’s not pro-abortion, you can read right?

No, they don’t. I don’t believe in federal funding of abortion. If I was pro-abortion, I would want federal funding for as many abortions as possible.

I don’t believe that outlawing abortion will lead to fewer abortions. Just like outlawing guns won’t lead to less crime.

I have heard from people who are “pro-abortion” they want as many abortions as possible to increase GDP per-capita in the country.

Very morose way to look at life.

They can come to my doorstep, I can guarantee this, they won’t get any closer.

Planned parenthood is a money machine for the Democratic Party, that’s why she was fired.

Why would they come to your doorstep and what would you do if they did?

Just like the NRA is a money machine for the Republicans.

Both sides have their financial backers.