Planned Parenthood shakeup

Sorry, the NRA does not receive tax dollars and then turn around and donate it to the Democrats.

Shows how little you know. The Planned Parenthood Action Fund raises money independently. They are separate from the main Planned Parenthood organization.

Unless you can show me proof Planned Parenthood are funneling Medicaid and Title X reimbursements into political lobbying.

You’ll know when the Democrats start screaming like mashed cats when Trump cuts off their money for donating it to Democrats.

Will this be at the same time when he builds the wall, when he repeals the ACA and replaces it with his day one ready plan or when he starts an investigation into Hilary Clinton?

Not really. That like saying "I’m not pro-murder, I’m just not anti-murder. There are actual human lives at stake.

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A dollar not spent here can be spent there. Just because PP has created a separate organization to contribute to Politicians, does not mean that they are not using Federal Aide to contribute to the politicians … its just not the same money.

You are drifting … stay on topic.

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I don’t have any stake in the issue. I do think that there needs to be adult conversation between to would be parents.

I’m just not a controlling person.

So provide me some proof that your accusations are true. Without proof anyone can claim anythingx

Perhaps. But you are awfully tolerant about totally innocent people being killed simply because someone else considers them to be inconvenient.

Are you denying that PP receives Federal money? Are you denying that they are using other money that could be used for women’s health to instead perform abortions and to give to politicians who fight to keep abortions legal and also vote to give them more members new?

No its not like that at all.

Of course it is; it’s exactly like that. Either you care about human life or you don’t.

Tell that to the children in the cages.

??? :thinking:

That’s totally wrong.

College humor did a pretty good skit on the new options that Alabama has for postnatal abortions because Republicans/“conservatives” only seem to care about prenatal abortions.