Peter (the stud) Strzok

Wait. The argument here is that the whole case isn’t credible because they mixed up the names on two sets of notes? Did any of the actual facts change? Or is the garbage rag National Review clinging onto anything it can find?

Yeah, because things like this are just fine, as long as they were going after Trump…

“The draft also shows that the agents moved a sentence to make it seem to be an answer to a question it was not.”

Flynn was set-up even with a uniform and all.


The lawyer claims that, but let’s actually see the notes.

Did Flynn admit to his crimes? Both in writing and in court?

How about I toss a fox into the hen house ;).

plead guilty , have your sentenced reduced and go home.

If a person if pressured into a confession by showing them fake notes and threatening years in jails, is that justice.
Not saying that is necessarily what happened. That is for a judge to decide.

If he didn’t say it, then he shouldn’t admit to it. He is a well decorated grown man. He is apparently very smart. Why would he admit to something he didn’t do?

To avoid spending five years in jail?

He’ll need it for the Lawyers. :rofl:

He didn’t have the right to defend himself?

In there rush for attempting a coup they screwed up.

I’m missing the point…

I know.

There’s an entire thread about this and no one is defending the guilty criminal.

I saw it, but thanks.

The country is well rid of Strzok. I hope it stays that way.

Only thing I want to see is indictment…but won’t hold my breath.

really? last i heard hes still in the gd fbi