Peter (the stud) Strzok

What does “sauce” have to do with anything? That reads stupid.

Have you not read the texts? Are you denying he edited Comey’s briefing on Clinton? Do you think he didn’t play a role in how she was “interviewed” and who was in the room? Did he not follow Page’s instructions in that regard?

Was he diddling Page before they were on the Mueller team?

They don’t eat their own.


Yeah. Clinton escaped prosecution because Strzok edited Comey’s statement. Pathetic.

The “so called” interview of Hillary was a disgusting show of incompetence & inept law enforcement. Anytime you interview a suspect, you have certain rules to follow.

  1. You always read the suspect their rights, once in your mind you believe they did the crime. Until then you can talk with them as long as you please without Miranda.

  2. The investigator should never allow other people to sit in on the interview. The exception to this is to allow their attorney. Of course, one person there was potentially Hillary’s attorney. The FBI allowed her to sit in, then Hillary announced later she was representing her & declared later "attorney client privilege. IOW, this attorney would never be called to testify, tho she knew a lot.

  3. In a case as important as the Hillary corruption case, an investigator with any sense would always record the event.

I remember when this “so called” investigation" was going on, that numerous lower echelon in the FBI were very distraught over the way Comey & his “dirty dozen” were handling that case. Of course many of them today want to testify, but don’t want to be on the next list of enemies of the "dirty dozen.

Comey & Strozk then wrote Hillary’s innocence plan months before the investigation had begun properly.

When Mueller & the “dirty dozen” cause we the people to get enough of this circus, Hillary & the “dirty dozen” will be under fire. I suppose this will be after we get a REAL A/G.

I listen very carefully when the players in this mess speak, especially to Congress. Remember when Clapper was asked in a Congressional hearing “if his people had ever spied on American citizens”? Clapper rubbed his bald head for a couple of seconds & replied “not wittingly”.

I’ve temporally forgotten the A/G’s name (it’s Brenner)
that just had his “credential” taken away by Trump" for his lying to Congress & being part of the corrupt DOJ? He’s been going around the media telling the world that he’s going to sue Trump for that.
I can’t wait for that!!!

Now that Brenner is shooting his mouth off, Clapper is getting nervous & has thrown thrown him under the bus. I’d be glad for my tax money to be used to delve into Clapper & Brenner’s files & e-mails.

If my father were one of the “dirty dozen”, or if I were married to one of them, this is what I would do: I would divorce my husband, or disavow my father forever, for disgracing my country.

When Obama was elected, I really didn’t care much for him, but I hoped he would change his mind about what he said he would do “fundamentally change America”. However, he didn’t change his mind & he was the head of these rogues, along with A/G Holder & Hillary.

So far everything the left has tried to do to Trump & we the people has failed. My prediction, is that the midterms will fail also. Then the shoe will be on the other foot & the dirty dozen will be going to jail.


The lower echelon of the FBI & DOJ are chomping at the bit to tell what they know, but when a person has a plush job with the Gov., it’s difficult to rat on the higher ups without a subpoena. They will eventually & the results will be hell for the “dirty dozen”.

Strozk is a piece of human garbage.

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You know what tho, Sneakey, he thinks he’s better than any American who doesn’t believe he’s a saint?

He thinks he’s better than every American.

Yup, he said "he could smell the Trumpers at WalMart in Va.

Thinking you’re better than others is bad now?

Matthew 5:5 “Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth”.

Sounds like Donald Trump; Peace be upon Him.

I dont know who Matthew is but he sounds like a whiney lib propagandist.

We want winners like a trump. Not a bunch of meek limp wristed losers.

Really? I guess you’re right.

Well, well, well

Hello ■■■■ Bag.

When whether it is perjury or not is said to depend on what the meaning of “is” is, you would think they would be a little more precise before charging. Perhaps thats why Strzok was initially supposed to have said it was not lying.

This is the mob they sent after a sitting President.

What’s your opinion of how this affects the case?

Strzok is a ■■■■ bag of the first order.