Pentagon Sidesteps Trump to Ban the Confederate Flag

Got it, domestic terrorism is cool now because “white people”. How quaint. :wink:

That’s your opinion, and no, not everyone “should”, especially not because you just happen to, based on your racial views.

Believe it or not, white murderers, rapists, etc., were also lynched. :man_shrugging:

I don’t ever remember seeing one on any base I was on. Ever.

The really baffling part is why people today are butt hurt over people getting spanked in a war 150 years ago. It’s like the butts of modern day confederates still seem to feel the spanking the union gave them during the civil war, and their southern pride won’t allow them to go gently into that good night and just let it go.

The tantrum has lasted 150+ years now. Maybe we need to put modern day confederates in the corner for a while and let them cry it out a little longer.

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There we go what?

I feel the same way about other symbols.

I’ve seen them in a couple (at most) of barracks rooms, away from windows where it could be seen from outside.

Never once have I seen them outdoors on a Military installation, either Army or Air Force.


Ah yes, those derned leftists!


Cool artwork from way before you were born, bro. :rofl:

Wow…you heard it here, folks.

Rolling down the windows on your Silverado, cruising down the road, and checking out a hot girl coming of a river is definitely the confederate heritage that motivates people to don that flag.

:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Does it?

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Yes. There is a ton of American Culture that comes from the South.

Celebrate that part.

If this were Facebook, I’d like this, share this, and add “amen” with a couple of these :raised_hands: :raised_hands:

The founders were liberals, like me. Not Hamilton.

Cool now? It’s always been cool, until black people did it.

Pop quiz…Which organization has been called a terrorist by this administration BLM or KKK?

L O L. It’s 2020 and we can’t have general consensus on lynchings = bad. It’s just “my racial views”. But EVERYONE should stand for the flag because “Patriotism” :rofl:


I was being a little glib. Should have added an emoji.

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I don’t know how to tell you this, bro, but cameras weren’t around yet, bro, when these leftists violently engaged in political action, bro. So bro, how, bro, much did these bros hate America, bro?


Cool story, bro. :rofl:


Seems, bro, like those violent leftist bros who tossed tea and tore down statues should have been tossed in cells, right bro?

Awesome sequel, bro. :rofl: