Pence: Honoured to have you here Joe!

I posted this link earlier in this thread, but maybe you didn’t see it. The article outlines all that Joe is guilty of. And the writer is a conservative. This is not a left wing hit job.

I really hope Arizona primary voters have enough sense to defeat this guy, for two reasons. First, he’s a crook and not worthy of being in office. And secondly, the last thing I want to see happen is Rs give away another Senate seat. This is going to be a tough hold regardless, but Arpaio is guaranteed to lose, and give the media lots of ammunition to once again tarnish all Republicans.

Oh, and he’s 85 years old. Hardly an ideal age to be launching a Senate career where the winner receives a six year term.

What crimes has he actually been convicted of?

The first claim they make of Arpaio “framing” someone is patently false so I’m not going to bother reading the rest.

I won’t argue Arpaio is an honorable man by any means but he’s not the devil he’s made out to be either.

That is correct. Sayville was not framed. Not by Arpaio. Not by anyone.

He was entrapped.

Sayville, a muliple convicted felon, was in prison in 1999 when completing an 18-month sentence for INCITING A RACE RIOT AND ATTEMPTING TO BLOW UP A HIGH SCHOOL!!!

While in prison, a fellow prisoner approached Sayville offering him cars and cash to blow up Sherff Joe Arpaio. Sayville, the racist terrorist who attempted to blow up a HS agreed and, after release
actually purchased bomb parts,
actually built the bomb,
actually intended to kill Sheriff Joe Arpaio
and was arrested while actually placing
the bomb under Sheriff Joe Arapaio’s actual car.

(I guess he did not like being in Arpaio’s prison any more than he likes black people.)

That actual man actually did those actual acts, but was assisted by an undercover officer and probably would not have gotten that far on his own. (No car to drive around town and buy bomb-making materials.)
That is not framing. That is entrapment.

The poor innocent racist terrorist would-be school bomber was entrapped by Sheriff’s deputies. So he is now a millionaire and a hero to libs. [/color]

(head explode smiley.)

Convenient you won’t read the rest.

The author proved himself a liar with his first example, why would I give anything else he’s got to say any credibility?

“Politics makes strange bedfellows”.

Never truer an example has there been than the left parading around a white supremacist as their new hero.

Jurors, who began deliberating Thursday, were persuaded by defense arguments that Saville was entrapped by the Sheriff’s Office as part of a publicity stunt by Arpaio.

Ulisses Ferragut, Saville’s lawyer, said after the verdict that jurors told him the entrapment resulted from “overzealousness by the Sheriff’s Office.”

Entrapped and framed are two completely and distinctly different things.

He absolutely committed the crime, they convinced the jury he’d been entrapped.

Framing him would be hanging him with a crime he didn’t commit.

Last month, federal Judge Susan Bolton found Arpaio guilty of criminal contempt of court. In December 2011, another federal judge ordered the sheriff’s office to stop detaining people based solely on their immigration status. The agency ignored the judge’s ruling and went right on targeting immigrants. Arpaio, who lost his bid for a seventh term as sheriff in November, testified that he had no idea his deputies were blatantly violating the order. Judge Bolton decided he was not telling the truth. As she concluded in her written opinion, Arpaio had demonstrated a “flagrant disregard” for the court order.

Pence’s “law and order” guy.

The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors this afternoon voted unanimously to approve a $3.75 million settlement for New Times’ co-founders, whose false arrests in 2007 were orchestrated by Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

Michael Lacey and Jim Larkin were taken from their homes in the middle of the night and jailed on misdemeanor charges alleging that they violated the secrecy of a grand jury – which turned out never to have been convened.

Saville absolutely tried to start a race riot.
Saville absolutely tried to blow up a high school in furtherance of that cause.
Saville, after leaving prison, absolutely built a bomb and tried to use it to kill Sheriff Arapaio, but received help from an undercover officer and thus it was ruled entrapment.

Liberals have rushed to lionize him in their quest to accuse VP Mike Pence of rushing to lionize the wrong guy.

Oh the irony.

In 2004, victim James Saville’s family sued Arpaio for $10 million, after Saville was found not guilty of attempting to kill the sheriff. The county recently settled with Saville for an undisclosed amount. It only had to pay the above amount out of public coffers; its insurance policy covered the rest.

Before you wish that you could collect $1 million by getting framed for Arpaio’s murder, consider that Saville spent four years in county jail, awaiting trial as a result of the made-up crime.

In 1999, Arpaio’s staff rigged the entire fake assassination plot – just so he could get his mug on TV.

Because it’s convenient for your defense of Arpario to claim ignorance of his reign of terror.

He wasn’t’ framed Jo, quit repeating the claim that he was.

It wasn’t a frame.
It was entrapment.

Joe Arpaio entrapped a racist terrorist.
in effect:
“Boo Arpaio! Poor poor racist Arizona terrorist. I’m glad you’re free and have a million dollars.”

Are you completely out of your mind? I’m not defending Arpaio.

That’s pretty much it.

Come again?

Sure you are.