Pence faces hecklers shouting 'traitor' at religious conservative conference

The union members in Oklahoma are a tiny bit more conservative than the ones in jersey.


Also there are only 90,000 union members in Oklahoma. 600,000 in jersey.


Those voters did not write that headline. Some journalists made it up.

Given conservativeā€™s natural reluctance to respond to polls of any kind, itā€™s likely that the poll results would have been pretty much the same even if Biden had lost. (As evidenced by the fact that his margin of victory was nowhere near 56/40.)

Exactly right. Non union household went biden 50-49.

Much more support for trump with people associated with a union.


Why would conservatives be so embarrassed and/or coy to admit that they had voted for Trump?

It wasnā€™t that long ago, guys.

ā€œDo you ever have small crowds in Denver?ā€ Barack Obama asked a group of supporters gathered Sunday morning at Civic Center.


Because the left in this country has a foothold on whatā€™s offensive and can get you fired from your job.

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Different times. Covid made attending large indoor rallies foolish. Hence the high attendance for Trumpā€™s rallies.

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Well thats ONE time he mentioned itā€¦Iā€™m sure you must have plenty of other examples, correct?

Only needed one. Go fish.


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Just an observation that indoor crowd size during Covid is really just a measure about how dumb your supporters are and as could be seen, Trump was able to attract a lot to his indoor rallies.

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Yeah, I noticed your trolling. Figured Iā€™d let it slide.

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Thanks. Appreciate the latitude. Regardless, it is an appropriate comment that crowd size during the last campaign is under different rules of interpretation than prior campaigns, right?

Actually on second thoughtā€¦thatā€™s not even ONEā€¦He wasnā€™t bragging about it.

Yes, Public Employee and Teachers Unions have become a major voting block for Democrats. Blue collar unions, not so much, except among those members who are lock-step loyal to their leaders.

They are not. And Iā€™m not coy or embarrassed to say that I did not vote for Trump. But in general, conservatives donā€™t trust pollsters because they are frequently designed to produce the answer they sought. Remember, the polls almost universally said Hillary had the election in the bag.

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Not really. The pathetic crowds Biden drew even in car rallies was, well, pathetic. There was obviously zero enthusiasm for his campaign.

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Itā€™s kind of humorous that you wonā€™t admit that Covid had an effect on crowd sizes.