Pelosi Makes Who Is Charge Perfectly Clear

I don’t know everything about his negotiating history or character, but even if he was the type of negotiator who believed both sides can win, he won’t do it because his core support are most talk media listeners who for thirty years have been fed a steady diet of “compromise is surrender” and “libz are EEEEEVHUL!!!”

So even if he wanted to compromise…he can’t.

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The opposition to Pelosi contained two distinct strands of thinking which is probably why it never coalesced around an actual opposition candidate. One was the younger more progressive representatives who saw Pelosi as a compromised old guard figure. The other was candidates trying to win in districts that lean more conservative where the Democratic candidate was worrying about the intense anti-Pelosi advertising from the national Republican Party.

The Conservative media put a good deal of effort into stoking real or perceived divisions in the Democratic Party. For instance, insisting their was major resistance among Hillary Clinton supporters against Barack Obama when he defeated her in 2008, which was largely not true and then that there was major resistance among Bernie Bros because of perceptions that the Democratic Party had manipulated the nominating process to Hillary Clinton’s advantage. There was a bit more traction for that view although it was not borne out in the polls. Trump did not win the critical midwestern states because he took Bernie Sanders’ voters away from Clinton. The divisions around Pelosi clearly delighted the conservative media, but given her successes giving mano-a-mano with Trump, I suspect there aren’t a whole lot of Democrats doubting her leadership now.

How can you say that with a straight face when Trump engages in theatrics on a daily basis on Twitter.

Ignore the reality all you like but it doesnt change the fsct that Pelosi has completely outmaneouvered Trump since January.

I have always maintained that the likes of Pelosi need to stand aside to make way for younger Democrats and while i still believe that i have to give her credit for her ability to show that congress still has power.

I agree. Nancy represents the left perfectly along with the sanitary conditions of her district.

That’s “just fine”.