Pelosi Makes Who Is Charge Perfectly Clear

Nancy Pelosi stopped GWB from privatizing Social Security, got the Affordable Care Act through the House and now has kept her caucus together for the shutdown. That’s politics, not theatrics.

But I agree with you that I don’t like the tone of the thread I started. I asked as serious political question: what should Trump do? and most of the replies have been insults aimed at the President. To me, I don’t find that interesting. Even if I disagree with the President I would rather talk about his political choices and how well he acts on them. Issues of weight, hair style, clothing choices just don’t mean that much to me.

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You used to claim i was mad all the time…funny

Trump is in a position he unfamiliar with.

If he’s smart, and has the right folks chirping in his ear, he’d extend an olive branch to Pelosi and ask for some discussion time where they can talk about what is the best practice going forward that makes both sides happy.

If he thinks he can strong arm his way into “winning” on the wall, the government shutdown, and just everyday politics, he is not going to enjoy his time remaining in office.

Trump has a massive character defect that explains why he is a manifestly crappy negotiator. In his view, he only wins if the other side loses in any negotiation. That occassionally worked for him in the real estate world, but it doesn’t bear long term success.

He simply cannot retrain his brain to think that both sides can win.

The next two years will be hell for him.


Like a bug that crawled into his ear and is burrowing into his brain.

Me too. She’s endearing herself to the progressive base that revolted against her.

And I think if she keeps it up man handling Trump she will be an asset in 2020 and not a liability for the Dems.

Was Pelosi a liability in 2018? There was a huge barrage of commercials against her and the Democrats won a huge victory in the House.

Her biggest advantage is that she knows how government operates.

Or walking to the light anyway.

No. Just more right wing propaganda. It’s what they do when they are scared ■■■■■■■■ of someone. Unfortunately for them it didn’t work.

They brought that same 'hair-on-fire" energy they used for 8 years bad mouthing Obama and have focused it on defending Trump.

I get the policy differences, but it’s just amazing to me how close the real life Trump is to the cartoon Obama I heard described here for 8 years.

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Pelosi is playing to her base. They, and therefore she, are not interested in cooperation.

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Just FYI, the definition of “cooperation” isn’t “rolling over and giving the other party everything that they want.”

Yes it is dammit!

Is that what mitch and ryan did ?

Cooperation sure as hell isnt “funding for the wall or I’ll shut down this government!”

Say something that wouldn’t be true if you replaced “Pelosi” with “Trump”.

How about “Nancy Pelosi understands how government works.”


“Nancy Pelosi does not own a hotel that puts her in violation of the emoluments clause of the Constitution”


“Nancy Pelosi has never had to pay a settlement to people she defrauded at Nancy Pelosi University”


I suggest you just sit back and enjoy the show. It’s going to be a thriller.

Fair point. I do think it was notable that a number of Dem candidates said they wouldn’t support her for Speaker. Whether that was bc they thought she was a liability and that was a way to hedge against that or they genuinely didn’t support her, who knows?