Pay-for-play at Mar-A-Lago where customers can send notes to Trump

I find it funny that those who don’t see the pay for play here when there is direct contact will contort themselves to believing that giving a speech means that Hillary Clinton sold 20% of the US’s Uranium.


Then it should be a simple matter for you to show me. :wink:

If it’s not pay-for-play, how do I send a note and have it forwarded along?

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I’m not a long-time buddy of Trump so I wouldn’t have a clue.

Nobody is saying membership is required for his friends to control a government agency. It’s just one of the many instances of pay for play similar to how Saudi Arabia rents his hotels even when they sty elsewhere

He prefers to be referred to as King, not Trump. Please show some respect to your leaders.

A simpler matter to read the OP.

That was obviously an inside joke between two good buddies.

So there is no explicit reference beyond the thread title. If there was, you would be tripping over yourself to show me.

Unless you can show me, we are done.

I wonder if David S at the VA is also in on the joke. He probably got a good chuckle.

You are simply making stuff up.

I can but I won’t. We are done.

Its unlikely Trump passed the note on to Shulkin.

Do I understand this correctly…a note is sent to Trump regarding setting up an oversight committee, to attempt to stop wasting money and improve the efficiency of spending on the dental care of vets, native Americans and underprivileged children…and people are worked up because it was at a Trump owned facility? Gomer Pyle said it best for a time like this…“for shame, for shame, for shame”.

why would anyone waste their time?

Anyways hopefully this gets sent to a Attorney general or something and he can be brought up on charges

Probably true. The article says as much.

The Sharpie handwriting saying to do so was Trump’s. Why wouldn’t it of been passed to him?

Not sure. The article says it didn’t get to him though:

Hazzouri’s overture doesn’t appear to have succeeded. Shulkin, who was fired in March 2018, said in an email that he did not recall having received the message. Hazzouri said neither he nor the ADA ever got a meeting.

Where did I say impeachment was mentioned?

How in the world can THAT be obvious to you but the overt pay-for-play on display here, and in multiple other examples completely escapes you? Amazing. :rofl: