Paulie Manafort's bad day

6 months that Manafort was leading the Trump campaign if you count the early days before he was named Campaign Chairman, all the way through the RNC where Trump secured the Republican nomination as the GOP’s nominee for President.

Donald Trump - “Bwuh? Who dat?”

Please, don’t be a snowflake.

Go ahead and pardon him, won’t change anything. The toothpaste is outta the tube on that one.

Trump is already on option #2.

What’s there to “get”? It’s math. Trump is trying to minimize his connection to Manafort by falsely suggesting that Manafort worked for the campaign for 49 days. That number is flat-out wrong. He worked for the campaign for 144 days: that’s longer than either Bannon or Conway.

same he has to gain by kicking in a knee jerk reflex test

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Oh, I forgot. Lock her up!!!

Yeah, I saw that a few minutes after I made that post. That was quick :smile:

Did Mueller go around TS Ellis to get a judge to sign it? I kind of want to know that.

From what I’m seeing and know without going into depth Manafort is in hot water…and it was HIS own doing.

Says the guy who said Mr Nebraska is a conservative, lol what a joke.

You just know that there’s footage out there of Paulie grinning and chanting “Lock her up!”

The sad irony is that Paul Manafort might have continued on with his plush, shady, blood-soaked life had he just avoided something that’s monumentally easy to avoid: winning a presidential election.

Then Hillary would have made you really really happy if justice had prevailed.

Do you know if Mueller went around TS Ellis and hand picked a judge to sign the manafort order or not?

Manafort thought he was being pretty sly with his attempted obstruction of justice. Glad the DoJ caught the scumbag in the act and now he gets to rest in jail for…ever?


I have interacting here since 2009.

NF is conservative.

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if he destroyed his computer like hillary he would be walking free, should have took a page from her playbook.

Any hill is a good hill to die on, as long as it affords a vantage point to punch the libs, however ineffectually.