Paula White-Cain, Trump's latest "qualified" adviser for his admin

That would have been pretty epic.

Actually you’re not qualified. Thanks for trying.

Also, as I’m thinking about it, you proved my point. You keep talking about , “you knew when you asked I could not quote his expletive filled rants here and we both know it”, however, I didn’t ask you to post that quote because I knew that quote is all you have. Hell, you don’t even know the context of that quote because YOU HAVE NOT LISTENED TO THE ENTIRE SERMON. LOL!

Once again, thanks for trying. :slightly_smiling_face:

Pro life Paula White prays for babies to be miscarried. This woman is an adviser to the President.

Well, just the satanic ones.

Something something Rev Wright something something


She’s a nut case, but aren’t you taking this out of contex?.

She clarifies it’s “satanic pregnancies.” Presumably the result of rapes.

So this wealthy Christian Presidential pastor “commanded” the satanic pregnancies to miscarry RIGHT NOW.

So I guess if you know anyone who miscarried right around then, well Donald Trump’s Christian pastor is just looking out for you.

Well, she does go on about satanic wombs, witchcraft, and Jezebels, so…

She is definitely about a dozen bricks short of a load. :rofl:

Well that’s a hot bowl of crazy.

I would also note that Paula White pushes the prosperity gospel, which as far as I am concerned makes her just a common swindling crook, along with all the rest such as Hinn, Dollar, etc.

That would be true even if she was not politically engaged.

The classical gypsy and the prosperity theologian are very much alike when you come right down to it. Both basically hide their scams behind faith.

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The bastardization of Christ’s message into a capitalist pyramid scheme has to be one of humanity’s greatest sins.

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Right, go ahead and take two verses out of context and assert your interpretation of it while ignoring cases of women asserting authority over men with God’s blessing. It’s also hilarious to cite 1 Corinthians 14 to back your view given what Paul describes about women’s actions in the church earlier on in the letter.m and elsewhere.

I notice you don’t cite any scripture. I wonder why.
No, really I don’t wonder why. I know why.