Paul Ryan gets a gig at Fox News

Fox News reports on the continuing protests in France usually on the weekend line up or on the news crawl at the bottom of the screen. These protests in France have been ongoing for the past 18/19 weeks with no end in sight. God Bless em, I sure hope the middle class in France get some relief from that leftist moron Macron.

The Fox News branch of the Fox corporation is not going to be part of Disney, Fox News will be part of an entirely different company and I really don’t think they will change their $$“cha-ching”$$ :wink: winning formula very much at all because they want to retain their dominance in Cable News.

Making use of more than one media source is cool.


Bring back Beck and the chalk board!!

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And his running national debt counter. Still quite applicable, it seems!


I hear…it was at Shep’s request.