Pastor tells congregation why he prayed for Trump

So Trump rushed in unannounced, and left without comment. weird.

Photo OP. Identity politics.

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That’s how the rich and famous do absolution. Run in without any prior warning. Get prayed over, then leave feeling all warm and fuzzy ready to sin more.


No experienced PR person is gonna set this up as a photo op.

Donald Trump was riding back to the WH after a round of golf.
He brings up the idea of stopping at a church on the way home. Ya know. For the people in VA Beach.
I really want to know what those people said when he suggested it.

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glory unto trump, the word made flesh…

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It’s really, really weird to just walk around in golf shoes, let alone trotting into a sanctuary for an impromptu blessin’ o’ the President.

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Hearing how this happened makes the whole thing so sad. Maybe it was all those tweets around the Franklin Graham thing that Trump wanted to pop in and show someone praying for him?


This statement by the pastor really struck me:
“But I was immediately called backstage and told that the President of the United States was on his way to the church, would be there in a matter of minutes, and would like for us to pray for him.”

Think about that.


“Clack clack click click,” said his golf shoes.


Pray for him to stop cheating on his wives with pornstars.


Trump is used to fast food. Why should this take long?


I believe it’s indicative of his contempt for his followers.
When he said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and he wouldn’t lose any followers he was right.


If Trump could melt his most diehard followers into a facial cream/ingestible supplement that he could eat and slather onto his face to make himself live longer and look more orange, he would do it in a heartbeat, as long as those future cream/diet supplements came from New York, California, Oregon, and Washington, where his supporters’ votes mattered least. From nothing, something.

Take that, Criss Angel.

And if one could add the residual squeezings onto mint-scented wipes for his underarms/booty before speeches and after toilet time, then he could finally give an honest talk in which he is thankful for his constituents.

Too dark? Sorry. The mood of Deadwood hijacked my post.

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This is the man who said he doesn’t need forgiveness. What gives?

He wants props from the man on high. “Keep doing my work, fella, and save yourself a stroke a round by keeping your left elbow stiff when using the pitching wedge. The cheating’s okay. You’re like a God, too. Up here, we refer to you as God Junior. And that porn star in that hotel room? Amen. I wish I’d sent you down there with more to work with.”

God is a Trump voter.


So it’s just a really high high five. Lol.

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The pastor was in the way, but he was necessary because he brought the crowd. Sometimes God, by which I mean Trump, by which I mean God, needs a stage.

In all of the confusion of the spectacle, I couldn’t tell who was giving a really high high five to whom.

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Maybe Trump was forgiving God.

If he has to qualify praying over anyone, I’d question the congregations motives more than Donald’s. Maybe ask them to not look down their pious noses at anyone.

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“Pastor, the president is coming. He’s coming so that you all can pray–for him. Just tell everyone to sit back down and wait. Even if you decide to accede to his request and take your time away from your parishioners’ regular interaction between themselves and their Lord Savior in order to pray for this random individual free off the eighteenth green, then be sure afterwards to reflect on what made you look down your pious noses when you did so, and shame on you for that. And if you could replace some of these Jesuses on the walls with Trumps, your congregation wouldn’t appear to be so rude.”

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