Partying, Drinking, & Personal Experience

It’s been so long since I’ve been drunk I don’t even have a good recollection of what I felt like.

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I started drinking when I was 13 and partied a fair amount through high school and a lot in college and until I was about 25. My parents knew very little about it, particularly after leaving home. That was not due to their neglect, it was because we were very adept at keeping secrets from them, as most teens are. Since that time (pushing 50 years) I have probably been what you would call drunk maybe 3 or 4 times. People DO change behavior when they grow up.

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I am significantly younger than Kav. I was born in the decade that he was in high school.

But when I was in high school, I drank. A lot.

My parents didn’t stop me because they didn’t know what I was doing. It was not a failure of parenting on their part.

I was in high school in the late '80s. We partied all of the time. I started playing guitar then, so that kind of amplified it. In fact, there were many days we spent our time at school figuring out whose house we were going to for the jam/party. We rarely had trouble getting alcohol. Seemed almost everybody knew someone of age. Also, some stores would just sell it to us.

I don’t remember anything sexual going on, but my crowd was the burnout/metalhead bunch that nobody wanted to have anything to do with.

That’s admirable.

I have a love/hate relationship with alcohol. I was a borderline alcoholic in college. I smoked a ton of a weed. Fell in love with Xanax and Klonopin. Went on speed binges. Basically me and my buddies (we are still best friends to this day) just liked getting ■■■■■■ up.

Now? I’m basically a straight edge. I’ll drink beer once in a while but that’s it. I’ve had a fifth of Gentleman’s Jack sitting in my fridge for six months now. I’ve made one Jack and coke since I bought the bottle. This time four years ago and that would have just been getting the night started. It’s odd how people change.

Honestly I think I just burnt myself out. You get tired of waking up dry heaving every morning, throwing your guts up, the come downs from the pills. We all just burnt ourselves out. I’m the only straight edge in the crew now but none of us are anywhere close to where we used to be. In all honesty we could have easily killed ourselves. So yeah I’m just glad to be here.

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I’m not on the East Cost.

But where I went to high school there was a party nearly every weekend ('82 - '86). Different groups mainly hung out with each other. Group I hung out with was about a dozen. Three or four different houses we’d party at.

Parents would buy the alcohol. One parent was never there for the parties (smaller house) but we always had a designated person who wasn’t drinking at the party and would “police” the people drinking.

One house was a huge house (think chandaliers, multi story, almost mansion). There was someone 21 there, but you’d never seen them (older sister to a girl in my class). Only time we got in trouble there was when we grabbed the wrong bottle of booze (sis and parents were a little upset we accidently grabed a bottle that cost several hundred dollars).

Last part of my Sophmore year to end of Junior year was my party years. Senior year did very little partying (more time working and getting ready for college), and didn’t drink really at all in college (two jobs and school . . . didn’t have time to).

One parent we did some summer work for . . . . they paid us in alcohol. They’d tell us how much we earned and we’d make a list of what we wanted from the liquor store.

Where I was we didn’t drink beer (we drank wine coolers on occassion, but mostly the hard stuff).

So it sounds like what we are saying is that Kavanaugh’s youthful partying was completely normal for a boy about his age.

So why no just admit it and get on with it.

Oh he is accused of being stumbling drunk and attempted sexual assault so he could not admit it.


And that it’s very likely that he passed out from drinking.

And (while it’s not the subject of this thread) that only a small minority of sexual assault claims are made up.

So he probably lied about his drinking and is probably not being truthful about the assault.

Got drunk only twice in high school. Parents found out the second time but didn’t punish me much. Figure they probably did worse things in the 1970s and didn’t want to be hypocrites. Was in college during the second Bush administration. Went to plenty of ragers. Did all the stereotypical things at the time. Red Solo cups, beer pong, keg stands, shotgunning beer, getting in group circles to pull a Michael Phelps. Never witnessed or heard about sexual assault at any of the parties.

That’s nuts! My parents never would have done that.

Most of my partying/drinking days were when in the military and also never witnessed or heard about any sexual assaults. This is especially the case when one is near passed out drunk. I know that from personal experience I would throwing up or curled up on the couch sick as heck.

For Jr. Prom. Parents knew there would be parties. A bunch of them pitched together and hired a short bus/van from a transportation company for the night. We all got a card with the transportation companies number. All you had to do was call and they would send the van to where you were, pick you up and drop you off at the next party. No questions asked. It ran all night and when you wanted to go home, you’d call the number get on the van and it would drop you off at home.

I’ve known some people that could drink an unbelievable amount of liquor and still somewhat function in a semi organized manner.

Me and my friends were very inefficient about our liquor. I drank whisky, one buddy drank vodka, the other drank tequila. So basically we had to buy three different sets of liquor because I refuse to drink rubbing alcohol (vodka) or gasoline (tequila). I’m an American dammit. Drink whisky haha.

i graduated HS in 1980 from a wealthy high school.
every weekend there were parties with a lot of beer and weed.
in some cases the parents supplied the beer.

Are you going to admit to attempted rape just because you drank a lot when you were young? Couldda happened … just admit it and move on.

This thread is about what we did as teens and immature youth. It only relates to him because there is so much being made about his partying activities as though it was unusual. We have established amongst us that it was not unusual. Let’s not risk having this thread rolled into the one and only part II thread. Okay?

I had a number of friends at the time who could easily drink me under the table😀 Although when people were substantially drunk their level of functioning was very low. That’s why I have question her account of two drunk men following her upstairs and her not knowing about it.

I have to say it amazing me to hear how many people people here have similar stories about their drunken high school years.

LOL Funny story … I was at a party house once in college and did not want to drink because I had a lot of homework to do the next day, so I was drinking water. A friend asked me what it was and I sarcastically told him vodka. He asked to taste it, made a terrible face and damned near spit it out and retorted “I don’t know how you can drink that crap!” :smile: