Parscale: trump dynasty will last for decades

There is only one Queen and she lives in London and has many dogs.

Of course.

It’s weird that Brad Parscale has worked with Trump so closely for so long and never met his kids.

YEAH burning up the putrid pile of garbage that is the current day Democrat Party, :fire::fire: Blaze away Mr. President!

i love this from someone commenting on parscales statement

Parscale is right — the Trumps will be a dynasty that lasts for decades.

A dynasty of grifters smart enough only to know you never drop a con that works.

He made it ok with in the GOP to now get rid of dog whistles and show their true pride in being the master race.

Funny thing is I have seen you much more worship of Trump then I have seen any poster on here towards Hillary. You mistake people thinking Hillary was less idiot than Trump as love of her that equals your brainwashed love of a NYC playboy loser like Trump. Most “libs” on here that you call libs are actually ex-GOP/ independents that you think are liberals because they don’t whorish Trump and all that is Trump. I

Don’t mistake driving libs nuts with Trump worshiping. Yes I’m Trump supporter…but I have my reasons.

Everyone has their reasons for everything they do. What’s your point?

It is a good idea. Cancelling the 2020 elections will save the chosen one the embarrassment of losing the popular vote again.

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That’s horrifying.

Also, not happening.

The greatest american pastime is destroying power “dynasties”. The Kennedys are basically huffing gas underneath a broken pier, The Clintons didn’t get past step 1, Jeb had to learn his status the hard way, and I’m fairly certain his son is about to get double the lesson. I’m far more worried about the next generation of Kardashians trying to up their status one more step than I am tweedledee and tweedledum’s spawn doing anything at all.


Holy crap! :rofl:

Well, right after the election, Jr. dumped his wife and 5 little children for a Republican Media babe, so he’s well on his way to Republican electoral success.


No, please no.

Kiss had a dynasty once…


Dumping a wife always gets the repug nod.


I agree. I haven’t seen any other Trump able to handle the media and communicate with the general public anywhere near how President Trump has. When he’s gone…they’re gone. Eric may…win a Congressional seat and learn politics but as of today, he’d lose.

You can claim that America rejected the Clinton dynasty, but the voters of New York did elect Hillary as their senator twice. Not to mention being the Secretary of State and Democratic nominee.

And for the Bush dynasty, Jeb was a two term Governor of Florida.

What elected office will any of the Trump children hold and where would it be? They certainly won’t be able to win anything in New York. Maybe Staten Island, where they’re not even from.

C’mon, Conan - if Trump stole the tools from someone’s truck on 5th Avenue, he still wouldn’t lose your support.


This is the data weenie they made campaign manager right? The dude who’s never run a political campaign in his life?