Parkland AWG Gets Life

Or get rid of it and house them with the gen pop as most, on average, are spending 10 years on appeal.

It’s a violation of the 8th and many of these probably wouldn’t last long among the gen pop.

An investigation is underway regarding a threat by one juror against another. There was much anger in the jury room as I understand it. Understandable, given that a tiny majority was able to foil the wishes of the vast majority of the jury.

There is NO chance that the verdict can be vacated.

But it is possible that the juror in question could be prosecuted.

I’ve modified my opinion on this somewhat. I used to say give them life without parole but in cases where there is zero doubt such as this one i am leaning toward take them out and hang them the next morning.

Gives him over night to say his prayers.

Speedy executions in this extreme sort of crime might slow down it down a bit.

Slow uncertain sentences certainly doesn’t work.


That’s why we need a prison island like the French had with Devil’s Island. If they are found out to be innocent just go pick them up. Other than that drop them off with a fishing reel and a pack of matches.

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I have only seen the headlines on this…

Were the threats against the holdout juror?

I have seen an interesting proposal to take the kidneys from someone who otherwise would have received the death penalty. Let him live out his life on dialysis, and give the kidneys to someone who would be a productive member of society.

If the prisoner is some day exonerated, the kidneys could be replaced and he could go free.

I am amazed so many on the right are willing to trust the government with the ability to execute citizens. I am not. Plus as it stands even the financial argument fails because of how much it costs to get them killed.

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What’s a violation of the 8th?

The government doesn’t find them guilty.

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Like a jury is much better, how many people have they wrongly convicted at this point? Now add in wealth privilege inherent in the system. Not good.

I don’t think they have made any indications about that yet.

Evidently, they were against one juror in particular, but there were three holdout jurors. But yes, it appears one of the pro-death penalty jurors was the culprit.

The culprit of what? Saying they thought she had already decided to vote for life? Sounds like an opinion to me.

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There was a threat made by one juror against another. Not an opinion.

Didn’t see it in the article, quote it. What I saw was a complaint people opined she had already decided to vote for life. Maybe I missed it.

Cruel and unusual punishment

You’re comparing the death penalty to cruel and unusual punishment?

From the jump.

Not a fan of death penalty but cruel and unusual is not a valid argument.

Modern crit-prog-lib ideology 101: let’s fully support killing an unborn child anytime, anywhere, any reason on one hand, yet let’s fight to avoid the death penalty for mass murderers. :man_shrugging:


Harder than voting to support abortion?