Parkland AWG Gets Life

Exactly. Victims have rights too. Ancient rights. It’s just that the government has more guns, and they ignore those rights in keeping power for themselves.

We’re not as civilized as we should be.


Or you could also say: we’re trying to be more civilized than we should be.

Doesn’t strike me as civilized when families are denied their rights to restitution while the perp is guaranteed square meals, clean linen, and hot water on a daily basis.


A death sentence had to be unanimous, all it took was one juror to vote for life in prison.

There’s always that one guy.



Very disappointing too.

This was one of those cases where there no doubt whatsoever that he perpetrated mass murder.

Like I said earlier he should have been taken out behind the courthouse and shot immediately.


The Nuremberg defendants were marched up to a gallows and hung. They were convicted of mass murder. Is there any difference between those duck heads and this idiot? The punishment fits the crime in my opinion. The gallows although “primitive” was effective. Capital murder deserves nothing less.

They wouldn’t on Death Row?

Lived in the Sunshine State for a quarter century. Started my working life there.

As I said in another thread, inmates on the Row get medical care same as the Gen Pop. One death row inmate the state made sure his thyroid hormone levels were normal just before he was executed, and the paperwork came to my station.

He’s long since been executed, but at least he didn’t suffer from hypotheoid :roll_eyes:

What came through in large numbers from the gen pop, let’s just say N C’s LWOP won’t be a pleasant one. Not losing sleep over this sentence, as condemned, on average, spend 10 years on the row at taxpayer expense.

The issue is that he shouldn’t get to be a ward of the state, or the government of the people.

That piece of trash will get hot meals and a daily shower.

Our homeless people don’t get any of those guarantees. And they haven’t even done anything wrong. Why should a mass murdering piece of garbage get that?

In a case where it is 100% beyond a doubt that they committed a horrendous crime they should be taken to a closed in off site building and shot immediately after conviction.

Hell I’m being humane about it. True justice would be binding them and then throwing them to the family to have their way with them. But I do believe in humane executions. So a small building and gun solves the problem for good.


And free continuing education internet. Convicts got stimmy checks fer crissakes!


I heard that each juror answered in the positive the question of could they administer a death penalty verdict.
IMHO it is a lot easier to answer that question then actually vote to take someones life.

He’ll also quite likely have tests like the above, where you pretty much need to be making friends with your own hallucinations or wasting away from AIDS. Saw plenty of this testing while working for a long defunct contractor whose CEO was serving time himself for entitlement fraud.

I’m amazed some individuals on this thread think prison is a summer camp.

As a death penalty opponent (particularly death by electrocution), I can honestly guess N C will have a far worse life as an inmate of the state :fearful:

It’s expensive and wasteful.

Put those feral animals down. It’s not for them, it’s for us.


There is a recent New York Times editorial that explains how Florida got to it’s current requirement for death penalty jury unanimity. The current Florida Supreme Court ruled a previous court got it wrong but the legislature has not yet changed the statute.

I believe 8 of 12 should be required to impose death.

He’ll likely die sooner in the penitentiary than had he been isolated on death row awaiting endless appeals and legal wranglings.

Wasn’t there already a thread on this yesterday?

Yup. This is a duplicate.