Over/Under- # of minutes jury deliberates before probably convicting Steve Bannon?

And shackles. Don’t forget the shackles.

Another Biden promise broken…

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no, executive privilege was not an issue. there was no conversation or communication with the president being sought. they were asking for documents relating to fast and furious which was strictly doj documents. holder had zero grounds to with hold them.

lol… holder was the ag who would make the decision on his own prosecution. thats not “having the support” of the admin, its being the admin

Nonsense. President Obama asserted the privilege. But here’s the interesting part: The committee, and then the full congress, voted contempt of congress. And then…nothing. Congress failed to follow through.

So you see, this whataboutistic comparison of Bannon to Holder is a fail.

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Yes and no - in the end, it was Obama’s call.

Just like it was Trump’s call to not prosecute Barr, when he was held in contempt.

Well, that’s not accurate. Comgress referred him to… well, to himself.

But that’s how this works. It’s a separation of powers issue.

Ah, that’s right. They have to refer to the DoJ. Thanks for the correction.

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complete ■■■■■■■■■

congress challenged it in court and won. the court rejected the executive privilege argument.


Do you remember why?

Up to 6000 and growing.

But but but… sanctuary city was just for marketing not for real.

Welp, they got him.

Less than 3 hours of deliberation.


for now


What’s your prediction?

not certain. its a bad case for a test. but what happened to congress suing in court to test the claim before criminal charges were bought? there was a civil remedy. the charge by doj was premature as not all remedies were exhausted. still, its a bad case for a test since bannon was not in the government and his claim of privilege is an oddity. he’ll likely lose the appeal for that reason.

though its a loser, he’d be better served questioning where congress gets the power to force a private citizen to appear before it and testify to anything. they don’t have oversite authority over private citizens.

Isn’t it for contempt of congress? About 175 million of us have contempt for this congress.

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Congress isn’t under any obligation to “test their claim.”

You’re right that under “normal” circumstances, that’s what would happen - because in “normal” circumstances, any claims of privilege are coming from the sitting President - who would then be very unlikely to bring charges for contempt.

Bannon and the other guy have the bad luck claiming privilege against both a hostile Congress AND a hostile Executive.

Congress’s ability to supoena “private citizens” is not an untested legal question.

but will courts see it that way or will they say the civil remedy should have been exhausted first? its a bad case for that test. courts may not take it for that reason. they don’t typically like bad vehicles. and in that event, the conviction sticks. makes for a horrible precedent.

its still a better argument than privilege in this case. i know they’ve taken that power, and used it. but its not based on any constitutional authority they were granted.