Over the last couple months libs have shown

It does at my state’s border.

But now tell me why my governor is to blame because my business is down.

Which state? What business?

Which are you missing?

Still trying to deflect.

You either believe in liberal philosophy or you don’t. It doesn’t end at state borders.

Ad nauseum.

Maybe they don’t know what liberal philosophy actually is?

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Pretty sure that in years past I’ve talked to you at 10pm on a Thursday.

Here we are, talking at 10pm on a Thursday.

We are so oppressed.

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We are not talking.

Your awareness that both State and Federal Gov’ts exist to protect our rights, not to trample them.

Study up on the 9th and 10th Amendments and the BOR as a whole.

Which liberalism? Your classical, top hat and monocle version of it, or Conan’s neo-conservative version of it?

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Sure seems that way.

There is only one.

Sure. But I’m literally the only reason the three of you are in this thread right now.


I know that don’t know what a federalist is. They do like to change the meaning of words.

Leave and let’s see if that’s true.

I noticed.

Glad to see you condoning that.



Positive or negative liberty?

Liberty or Freedom?

Just here to provide validation, not really doing Q&As right now.


The contents of your post are ridiculous.