Over the last couple months libs have shown

I did. An hour later you got bored and started bothering Lucy.

Let’s just admit I’m the best.







I get bored with drivel quickly.

Moderated debate? Just me and you.

You can pick the moderator from the willing. You can even pick the topic, as long as it’s political.

I’ll volunteer.
Topic: President Trump - Great President or the Greatest President?

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You’re not a moderator, but I’m fine with just about anything.

Yep, I saw it too. I am unbound by time. :sunglasses:

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Remember when that one little “oops” absolutely torpedoed a presidential bid? Good times.

how so?

Only the 4th wall? Beginner nonsense. :rofl:

We on or what?


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That’s true and I need to watch myself because I do use the term liberals when i should be saying libs.


I believe true liberals are embarrassed of libs…and what they have done to their brand. And they should be.

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If this isn’t authoritarian, I don’t know what is:

“Then I have an Article 2, where I have the right to do whatever I want as president.”

this is who you support.


Yeah but Donald said he’s never do that, just that he COULD if he wanted to.

Sign of a great leader - absolute power is his for the taking but he won’t do it.

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Are you saying that you don’t believe if we gave them enough power they couldn’t solve all our problems?

Meanwhile, last night Trump fired an IG looking into Pompeo.

That’s a very authoritarian move.

No I’m saying its ironic that a Trump supporter would be talking about anyone standing in awe of and genuflecting to an elected official.