Our Jokester-In-Chief Laughs at Suggestion of Violence Against Illegal Immigrants

There’s a very good reason he didn’t call that person out.

Not surprised that’s what you took from the story as the “Democrats’ ONLY concern” with what Trump was doing.

That may have been his sell, but when a lunatic shouts “Shoot them!”, why did he laugh? Why didn’t he admonish that person?

Both relevant. I linked to the entire story for your edification.
And you think it isn’t obvious that you are only concerned with any issue as long as you can get an anti Trump twist out of it?

It was “nervous laughter”, see because “Trump didn’t know how to respond to him”.

Even if that’s the excuse one wants to choose, it absolutely dos not put Trump in a better light.

It puts him in a much worse light because any rational person knows the correct response is to admonish the person. They wouldn’t have to think about it…it would be instinctual.

That it wasn’t for Trump is quite telling.

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But you highlighted what was probably the thing that concerned the Democrats the least.

What concerned them more was the immense pressure Trump was putting on the judges to rule quickly, and how he took away their ability to prioritize which cases to expedite and which didn’t need to be.

Then I suggest the way they handle that is to authorize more funding for even more judges so this can be done without pressure.
Democrats seem to consistently criticize any steps taken to enforce our immigration laws but don’t seem to be stepping up with the solutions.
Unless you consider sanctuary cities to be a solution.

You know it’s ok to admit Trump messed up right?

I know I get nervous and try to play it off with laughter when I don’t know how to handle someone non-ironically calling for the murder of migrants. It’s just a natural reaction for a non-sociopath.

Fun to watch the defense of this going on here. There’s literally nothing that Trump does that doesn’t allow a defender to make up some “Trump’s real state of mind” deux ex machina ■■■■■■■■ to explain his behavior.

Time to replace the old “Jane Wyman was right” bumper sticker with a “Hillary was right” bumper sticker.

Yo, over a year ago over $25 billion was offered for this. Trump refused. Then later he shut down the government. Then got a fraction of that amount.

Tell the ■■■■■■■ president you support to stop being such a whiny little bitch.

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I think that Sneakster is implying that Torey is clutching pearls and fainting on couches. Torey responded eloquently, as always.

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What does donnie have to hide?

That’s a really good post, thank you for taking the time.

I agree about the line, sort of. There were things that were “simply not done…” until they were.

What you think is Trump moving the line has pretty much all been done before at some point in history. A lot of it not so publicly. For example; Obama locked children in cages and nobody said a word.

The difference is in us. We are the ones moving the line. Trump is just a big, loud unabashed example of the result - and we don’t like it.

Is what the dems did to Kavanaugh acceptable? The rubber chicken and KFC?

I believe Obama and Roberts ramming obamacare down our throats created a lot more enemity than you might think.

Our current population is more ignorant and has far worse manners than probably any point in history. There are no doubt several reasons for this and any offering I make would be no more than a theory.

This society, despite all protests to the contrary, is not more civilized. Quite the contrary. And it is not one sided. Trump is the manifestation, the rash, not the disease.

I am personally looking forward (not actually looking forward… but in a colloquial sense) to the day if one of the volunteer militia border patrol start shooting up immigrants and this all goes down the memory hole.

The NRA supports the guy who yelled about shooting them.

It wasn’t a point, it was a question. If one crazy person goes to the border and shoots an illegal and says, “Trump told me to.” How does that affect the country?

Oh the irony…

Well, I’m 1/1 on predictions today…

Bushel baskets.