"Our" Democracy

“Our” Democracy has became a mantra. “He, she, it is an assault on ‘our’ democracy!” “Tear the fabric of ‘our’ democracy!”

Now republicans are doing it.

It’s important to remember that while the left uses our vocabulary, they don’t use our dictionary.

When they say “our”, they mean people indoctrinated to vote the “right” way. That was why they unhinged in 2016-the masses chose wrongly. Therefore they are not ready to choose. They must be better educated. They are still a basket of deplorables clinging to their Bibles and guns. Not enlightened. On “the wrong side of history.”

Those who are not “educated” must not be allowed to participate. Your betters will lead you.

From the Father of the New Left, whose playbook they are following to the letter:

“Direct democracy”: in modern mass society, democracy, no matter in what form, is not conceivable without a system of representation. Direct democracy would assure, on all levels, genuinely free selection and election of candidates, revocability at the discretion of the constituencies, and uncensored education and information. Again, such democracy presupposes equal and universal education for autonomy.

And what does “universal education” mean?

Historically, it is again the period of enlightenment prior to material change – a period of education, but education which turns into praxis: demonstration, confrontation, rebellion.

Marcuse-An Essay on Liberation

It is Maoism. Neo-marxism.

Anytime these 'tards start spouting “'mocracy!” they don’t mean us. Be suspicious. It is mostly an illusion to pacify and placate. To make you feel you have a voice, are participating, so they can maintain the consent of the sheep while they fleece us.


…and now…somebody tell the left…“we” are a Republic. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


Your democracy is just there to make you feel better.

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When I speak of “our democracy”, I really do mean everyone. But, lately I’ve switched to speaking of “republicanism” instead, so I’m probably not with the “the left”.

What does that mean to you?

  1. There was no need to quote that.

  2. I am not referring to you or those like you.

Great OP. Along those lines, the modern left at heart is authoritarian. They want to be king/queen but use this govt to that end and dictate to those who dont agree or confirm.

small sidebar….this was easily seen in the mask hysteria during Covid They were given an outright sign that someone was not complying with the mother state, and they felt deputized to dictate often hysterically. I can’t count how many times someone has told me to wear the mask “properly” as though it’s up to them now how I don PPE. I have actually had people come up to me “out of doors” questioning where my mask was. (that was in communist Boston)

“our” democracy is connected to that mentality.


For some reason I’m never included in their democracy.


The progressive Left doesn’t respect the individual. It needs compliant lemmings, of one mind, not individuals of like minds.


we need to dump boxes filled with masks from the side of ships docked in Boston

the environmentalist wackos would go berserk and miss the point of the mask party

I often wonder what makes em so insecure.

Take drag queens for example. I’m somewhat amused by them, they claim it’s individual expression but yet they demand to be respected and accepted by all.


Authoritarians are always insecure. They project their proclivities onto anyone who threatens their political power.


Say the people whose representatives en masse put ear tampons on last night…

“We won’t wear masks because we aren’t unthinking sheeple!”


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Thank you.

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You are resisting. Stop resisting.


Was there an ear tampon mandate?

And people ask why I don’t post more seriously…


They’re gonna save the ■■■■ out of you!! :rofl:


Your irrelevant point noted.

The fear is palpable.

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It means that we use an electoral college to decide who the POTUS will be instead of who gets the largest popular vote. The 2016 election was the perfect example.