"Our" Democracy

2020 was pretty good too.

It was so good the Loser tried to steal it at the Electoral college level, shamefully.

not to mention 2000 and hanging chad

No it isn’t. You just can’t handle someone making a point that completely refutes your point. I think the ear thing is stupid. But your comparison between a mandate and people showing solidarity (even as childish I think it is) is not remotely the same. Halarious you libs trying desperately to make comparison and ended up just showing your TDS.


Ever notice that every thread is the same thread?

That’s republic?

“Why don’t you ever post serious?! Why memes?”

You’re just a click away.

Every notice the weak assed responses?

Yes :wink:

No desire to do better?

Sorry, I didn’t mean to trigger you. I really wasn’t commenting on the OP, but rather the fact that every thread turns into the usual partisan bashing. My side good, your side bad.

You didn’t.

I’m sure that’s what you meant. For the record, the left is bad.

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The OP is actually fairly balanced, and then the first reply veers straight into the partisan blah blah blah.

See! Just like every thread. :wink:

To be fair, the state and religion hold a monopoly on that racket.

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Dude, the left is objectively bad. Their dogma is garbage. Their “goals” are garbage.

It’s the collectivism, which is gabage.

Nowhere, not one single place in the world in all of history has it ever done anything but immiserate.

Read the blueprint.

There are good dems. There are no good critprogs.


Personally I think we’re better off when the government is balanced between left and right. Neither side has a monopoly on good ideas, bad ideas, and immiseration.

If we were talking about republicans and democrats, I would absolutely agree. But we’re not.

Yes, one side has a monopoly on immiseration. The critprog side. Stop and think about it for a minute, what are their “ideas”?

  1. Baby murder.
  2. Open borders
  3. Taking the fruits of others’ labor.
  4. Indoctrination of children

That’s it.

Their “ideas” are horrible. They don’t work because they contradict human nature. Collectivism contradicts human nature.


What MAGA policy is bad and/or immiserates US CITIZENS?

how could you possibly equate a gesture of goodwill toward a man who barely survived an assignation with authoritarian mandates on personal medical ppe?

with laughing emotes….

i still see idiots with masks on alone in their car

those aren’t “sheeple” though. but showing compassion for trump surviving an attempted assassination from your typical leftist is

lol. what a world. an msnbc world


There are Dems using the save mockracy trope to pressure Brandon.

They are mentally infirm.