Our decisions affect others - vet dies because ICUs are filled

I think there are a lot more people like me than your kids. Besides, I’m B+ so I don’t think I’d be much help anyway.

I gave blood today at around 5 pm, was finished at 6:08.

I have gotten the vaccine and I want everyone who can to get the vaccine, if they don’t have any prior immunity to COVID-19. They are putting the care of every one else at risk due to their selfish behavior.

I am pro-vaxx for precisely the same reason I am pro-life. Because I care about everyone’s health and how someone’s decisions affect other people.

You would be surprised. Rh+ blood I know is very common at least. Donating some of your blood may help a B+ person in need, that they may have used O- blood for. That way, the O blood doesn’t have to be used on someone who is not O and you could in effect save two lives. O blood is very rare and people can only give so much at a time

O is good for B+ except for plasma. Not compatible. Not even sure what that means.

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Hospital Denies Rolling Stone Report It Turned Away Patients Because of Ivermectin Overdoses | Newsmax.com


Careful on the veracity of these stories.


If you feed them, they will come.



I nominate this hoax as fail of the week for libs. lol


Interesting finding.


It is getting easy to dig a little and find some grossly inaccurate data.

Check this out…

Rice began investigating and determined one of the testing companies had changed their protocols that determine test results without alerting Rice. The university asked the company to revert to their previous testing protocols, which they have done. The university retested 50 people who previously tested positive twice with two different tests and all but one came back negative. They released those students from isolation.

What was I saying about credibility?


The crickets indicate a desire to flee and forget. :man_shrugging:


Might be fun to start a thread on just published false reports.

They are easy to find and enlightening in the volume and edits made.

The original report claimed over 5,800 children had been hospitalized within a seven-day period in August. However, the 5,800 number actually refers to the number of children that have been hospitalized with COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic. The Texas Tribune added a correction, noting the mistake in their numbers.


Oh good, they noted their “mistake”. :rofl:


Maybe all of those people still dying from covid are false positives, too

I will say likely not.

Nice volley though.


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Started the Warehouse thread…will need to add to it.

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Probably for the best. This thread committed seppuku due to lack of available spaces to hide. :rofl:


74% of the country is overweight, with over 40% being obese, so it stands to reason they would occupy most of the ICU beds, there are 3 times as many of them as those who are at an ideal weight.

Mine was. The flu was so bad we had to limit visitors. But no masks.

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Every decision a person makes affects everyone else.

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Especially when those decisions threaten the rights of others who have committed no crime. :man_shrugging: