Only Guilty People Have "War Rooms" and Now Trump Has One

Would signing a guilty plea make one guilty? Kinda like this?


You’ve shown the degree of integrity with in you but let me ask you a question…what would you do to protect your child?

I believe this is the Horowitz Report.

If I am wrong, tell me where to find it please.

I have read this report and cannot find anything along the lines of what you are claiming Andrew McCabe did. There is a discussion of recusal issues and two conclusions:

Regarding his wife’s campaign: " we believe McCabe did what
he was supposed to do by notifying those responsible in
the FBI for ethics issues and seeking their guidance."

Regarding the Clinton Foundation: “we also found that
McCabe did not fully comply with this recusal in a few instances related to the Clinton Foundation investigation.”

Not exactly stuff to shake the Republic to its foundation.

If I am looking at the wrong report please point me in the right direction.

And your basis for knowing that was Flynn’s motivation is???

You’ll have to excuse me but often…I tend to connect the dots of information that I’m privy to. Out here in the real world, it’s really helped make me be successful. Here in Hannity Land, you can choose to use it…or not?

What processes were put in place for those who were held at Gitmo? Was part of those processes illegal torture techniques?

These mediums have read the report and reported on it. I have not…nor do I intend to at this point. You have fun though.

Where’s Gitmo?

So you’ve got nothing to back up your excuse for General Flybb. Appreciate the clarification.

I am very familiar with the conservative technique of providing biased summaries of documents in order to fire up their base. Since you’re not interested in the original document, all you have is spin.

If you bothered to read the Horowitz Report you would find that it never discusses McCabe’s firing and whether or not it was justified. Thus the headline in The Federalist that you quoted is both erroneous and inflammatory.

You should think through how you are being deceived by the sources you trust.

Nope…except that there were threats in the air of Flynn’s son being investigated a couple of years ago. It was first reported by the FBI that Flynn didn’t appear to lie. Then after that report regarding his son, things changed quickly. You don’t remember that?

Oh…The Hill is biased for Rs? You could have fooled me?

I provided a clear example of how you were mislead by the headlines you posted. I’ll stand on that.

As is so often the case here, progressives tell conservatives to “read the document”.

The truth will set you free. Even you!

This son?

Fake News.

You’re confusing correlation with causality.

Imagine having such a weak case against McCable that in a federal court system with a ninety percent conviction rate you can’t even get a grand jury to true-bill an indictment. Harder than a ham sandwich.

There’s no fighting in the war room!

Its always tough when conspiracy theories bump into reality… far better to keep them firmly planted in the CEC echo chamber where nothing ever gets actually tested.


Thanks for the non-answer.

When McCabe isn’t indicted, we won’t hear a peep from you. There will be zero accountability for your position on this. It never ends.