One week till Marijuana is legal in Canada

Not nearly as much as the millions of jobs in CJ, LE and the detention industries.


It speaks directly to your question/deflection. The tax revenue is a failed argument from the start.

The detention industry costs the government billions every year while the cannabis industry generates billions for the government

Deflection? The thread is about legalization and the benefits of it.

The pot industry is reliant on billions of dollars of taxpayer funded infrastructure to even exist and will never generate the kinds of revenues those millions of jobs can and do.

Did you really just use the same ā€œYou didnā€™t build thatā€ argument you criticized Obama over. :rofl:


It is indeed awesome how profitable we made jailing our population. #1 in both total prisoners and per capita. #MAGA #KeepAmericaImprisoned


No. ā€¦ ā€¦

It is what it is, you brought up the revenue.

Lucky you didnā€™t perma-trip. Old friend in college is still on his trip from 15 years ago.

No he is trying to use every word he can that isnt liarā€¦

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I doubt weed is as bad for you as some think, but I would imagine if one smoked a lot the tar would be pretty brutal on your lungs.

Itā€™s odd i never tried it, I think what saved me from trying it was when I was in high school there was a certain type (stoners) that did it and most of us didnā€™t want to associate with them. I know that sounds smug but private school will do that to you :slight_smile:

Iā€™m ok with the legalization of marijuana, anything to take profits from the Mexican drug cartel is a step in the right direction.

The major dangers are psychological, and far less threatening physically than many other drugs including alcohol.

Thereā€™s no sound scientific argument that supports the idea that MJ has more negative direct health consequences than Alcohol so that part of the pro dope argument is flawless.

I donā€™t oppose it on a greater/lesser harm basis, I oppose it because I see no value in adding even more stoned people to the population legally to pose even more threats to those of us who are sober.

In other words, not remotely worth citing.

Iā€™ve never felt threatened by a stonerā€¦everā€¦if one finds themselves threatened by one, then they need to rethink their lives

Who exactly said anything about being feeling threatened?

Quit asserting things Iā€™ve never said.

This isnā€™t a classroom and academic works are not in any way the last word on anything.

Actually you didā€¦literally your last post.
Or we gonna parse because you said threat and not threatened and therefore its somehow not the samethingā€¦and then I get bored with you and move on?

You see no value in smaller government and more individual freedom and less government intrusion in our lives?