One week till Marijuana is legal in Canada

That’s pretty amazing. Nevada ran out early too, but they did this weird thing that only the alcohol industry could transport weed so they had a delivery problem.

It looks like the price includes the excise tax and if it’s being purchased with a medical card the excise tax is waived.

But again, I don’t buy with a medical card, so not sure.

That makes sense.

The marijuana leaf just keeps spinning when I try to look at the menu. I did get mesmerized though. I may still be a little high.


Just medical is legal in Maryland right now and the legislators are pissed that outside companies are exploiting the dispensary agreement and creating a monopoly. It was supposed to be mom and pop. RISE is one of them. I won’t buy from RISE.

Colorado had some pretty strict requirements for at least the first bunch of shops. I think you had to have been a resident for a certain period, along with other restrictions. We have chains, but I don’t think anyone has come in from out of state yet. One of the chains we had here - Sweet Leaf, has shops in Oregon, but they’ve been shut down here for allowing people to purchase more than an ounce per day by letting them leave the shops and come back and buy more. Stupid, and I liked that chain.

They got greedy I guess.

The dichotomy between our view smoking weed and tobacco is amazing.

Yep. And there have been public auctions running, selling off all their stuff.

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Not at all. Cigarettes are full of chemicals and cause lung cancer, as well as oral cancers. Weed has not yet been tied to causing any cancer, and in fact may well help kill some cancers.

Well it’s more complicated than that.

Smoking any sort of plant is bad for your lungs. Carcinogens.

But your average pot smoker doesn’t smoke nearly as much as your average cigarette smoker. So in the end the risks are much higher with tobacco due to usage. I can speak from experience on that one.

Once marijuana is legalized though I’m definitely going to pick the habit back up barring the company I work for being Gestapo about it.

This is my very point. People think weed is like health food. It’s not. And they are pushing smoking the oil, which is highly processed and potent.

But, vaporizers don’t actually burn the weed - it kind of “toasts” it, so most of the carcinogens aren’t there. Smoking it probably adds more, definitely, but still not like tobacco with the added chemicals.

It’s not a health food, but it does seem to have health benefits. The oil, I really don’t have much knowledge on. Never used it.

OK, Good point, Pot smokers don’t smoke a pack a day. So, just lot less smoke…

It’s helping people with crohn’s disease, they’re finding it helpful after concussions, strokes, and they think it might be helpful in preventing alzheimers. And Colorado is trying to get legalization of mushrooms on our ballot in 5/19, which I’m sure you’ll love the idea of. But psychedelics are proving to be helpful with depression.

Isn’t it? One of those substance kills thousands every year and is legal while the other has some medicinal benefits in addition to industrial uses but is illegal.

I doubt any of that is proven with double blind studies. But,I’m fine with legalization, just not the idea, it’s good for you.

Yes, as a kid Mushrooms once helped us with depression as we were laughing for hours uncontrollably. And then we talked philosophically. Quite a backpacking trip.

It is good for you in many ways. But go ahead and just be dismissive. The world is moving on without you. They have had a lot of success with helping depression not just with mushrooms, but with LSD, MDMA…

You took mushrooms to visit a fabric backing factory?

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