One thing sad about a Biden win


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Let’s hope and thanks for giving some examples an I hope you’re right. I’m not a huge fan of Trump the man just trade, end of meaningless wars, and migration.

I I guess we will find out I like some of your list although I disagree with a few points I think authoritarianism is coming from the left. As for the coronavirus thing Pfizer is going to release their vaccine the president whomever it is that wouldn’t matter.

Above all else I am more nervous about Biden getting us into another war I think these past four years was the first time in forever we have not been in a new war and I have a bad feeling that that’s going to break with Biden’s foreign policy record, as I am pretty non interventionist as a libertarian.

the ministry of truth and the department of social justice will be amazing…

I don’t necessarily disagree with this post as it looks like he’s going to win and be our president I wish him the best That is until the two-year midterm traditional flush out :slight_smile:

Americans are a finicky lot.

gosh, this sounds awful…

Dude Biden is almost 80 we don’t know what he’s gonna do, he might flip on the nuclear codes thinking it’s the remote.

Trump has said some pretty whackadoo things about the use of nuclear weapons, including not ruling out using them in Europe. :wink:


Republicans have spent the last four years whining about being victimized by the left wing media, the deep state operatives, foreign collusion, voter fraud, and Nancy Pelosi

And now you want to imply that they’ve got one playbook and a limited number of plays?

That goes against the narrative.

Oh I agree he’s up there too in lunacy and misspeaking yet here we are as Americans this is our finest we can put forward.

And the nuclear codes thing I thought was about the best argument Clinton had in 2016 because I actually had to think about that. Do do I want Donald Trump to have access to the nuclear codes :thinking: probably not. I don’t think either are playing with a full deck and should be made to take a cognitive test.

They remind me of my grandpa who we all trying to get to stop driving but won’t and is an absolute menace on the road

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I appreciate that, not a fan of war myself. But Obama and Biden were actually criticized for following the Bush withdrawal in Iraq by Conservatives. And the Iraq and Afghan wars were both under Bush. There were transient engagements elsewhere (Somalia, the Balkans, etc.) that did not involve a large loss of life, but for major engagements you aren’t safer with a GOP Candidate by any stretch.

As for the rise in authoritarianism, that is decidedly a rightward bend right now. Look at Poland, Russia, Turkey, NK and the Philippines. All Conservative leaders, all authoritarian. Trump seeks to emulate their behavior and vilify oversight and norms here at home. That is a danger to our republic.

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