One and only Kavenaugh Hearings Thread (part 1)

You’re using the etymology of the word “testimony” as the reason it’s not evidence?

Background checks were done. What you’re asking for wouldn’t be a background check and we both know it. Again, going to expand the budget for the FBI to investigate all these unsubstantiated claims? Do they even have the resources to do so?

Testimony is not synonymous with evidence. It is but a species, a class, or kind of TESTIMONY

Thank you.

Swetnick signed an affidavit under the penalty of perjury saying there were rapes.

So was an investigation.

You can’t be serious.

I’m afraid anybody with a mouth can ask for an FBI investigation. Some mouths would be ignored, others would apply influence and political pressure enough to quite possibly compel an investigation. Kav’s mouth is one of the latter.

But, he won’t ask of course, for the same reason he won’t take a polygraph. Because he is guilty as ■■■■.

Ok, you win. I was wrong. Happy?

Why should we limit the allegations to the less bizarre ones?


Ugh…I hope not…just gonna cause a lot of problems…

Leave no stone unturned.

It took the FBI 3 days to check on anita hills claims…

Clutch those pearls…


This won’t cause problems?

You mean background checks wouldn’t look into allegations of sexual assault?

Hmm. What do you think background checks are for?

Of course it seems reasonable What could possibly go wrong with an almost 40 year old memory?

We are going further and further down the rabbit hole and people dont care…this wont end well

No need to turn over stones, just claim there’s a snake under every one and call it good

“A witness may testify to a matter only if evidence is introduced sufficient to support a finding that the witness has personal knowledge of the matter. Evidence to prove personal knowledge may consist of the witness’s own testimony.”

–Rule 602, Federal Rules of Evidence

Evidence may consist of the witness’s own testimony.

Not that facts matter anymore.

I don’t think Senator Feinstein has the authority to have the fbi reopen a background investigation.

I don’t believe she has the authority to subpoena witnesses, either.