One and only Kavenaugh Hearings Thread (part 1)

I’m assuming you don’t have a daughter.

No, I don’t. Does she have a dad.

Its 100% certain she does.

The point is if you did have a daughter and a male sexually assaulted her by holding her down and gropping her over her clothes while trying to keep her from screening, would your reaction be much different than if he has accomplished something past that like actual rape?

For the record, I am not saying what Ms Ford says happened actually did. But its a tad disturbing to me that you replied the way you did. Almost seems like you were implying sexual assault isnt really that bad as opposed to being raped. You are free to clarify, and please don’t say you are just correcting the record.

I do actually have a daughter, she is 11. If a person were to sexually assault her, I’ll go to jail or prison just as readily as if she were raped.


Where was/is her father?

No you wouldn’t. Not for what Ford alleged.

In case you hadn’t been following, she didn’t tell him. Also if you ever bother to educate yourself to the dynamics of sexual assault, you will know that it is VERY rarely ever divulged to anyone much less law enforcement. It’s a dynamic that precisely ZERO people understand who have never experienced it themselves first hand.

I would imagine you’ll teach her to deal with it herself. If it happens, you won’t be there.

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Have you experienced it first hand?


Some men think it’s a sign of masculinity to grope women, or put women in their place or have affairs or cheat with porn stars/playboy bunnies.

That last one is.

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Yes as a matter of fact I would. Already almost had to because of her mother’s choice of a boyfriend after we separated. That wasn’t even a sexual issue, that was him breaking her clavicle as a 4 year old. I was on the way to where he was with my 9mm taurus. He took care of himself before I got there with a shotgun to his mouth.

She’s just another spineless GOP congressperson who is appalled by stuff Trump does but will still get in lime and not stand up to anything.

Completely… but COMPLETELY different scenario. Rape? Yes I believe you would. There was no rape. If your plan is to kill every boy who touches your daughter, go lock yourself up now.

Interesting including the brand name.

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Have I ever been sexually assault? Nope. But if my baby girl told me she was I would deal with it. The point was that just like I said MOST victims of such things NEVER say anything to anyone out of shame, remorse, and a whole lot of other emotions that aren’t easily understood. Why do you think it took so long for Bill Cosby’s victims to come forward, Harvey Weinstein? Etc. Its not as black and white as you seem to think it is.

Not at all what I said. You understand the different between a misunderstand and assault I’m gonna assume. I’m not irrational.

Then stop lecturing me on it. I’ve dealt with it 2nd hand numerous times.

It’s not what you said? Ok, never mind then.

That’s not true.

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