One and only Kavenaugh Hearings Thread (part 1)

Really…a danger to this republic?

I guess you haven’t been following the real danger that’s unfolding in our bureaucracy…more specific out CIA, FBI and CoJ.

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Anyone know if Feinstein can be held in contempt of congress in any way shape or form if she refuses to release the entire un-redacted letter to the rest of the committee?

Any Odds makers want to make odd that she will release if just before the vote Monday and claim it has damning information in it that the alleged victim wanted to tell thim in person? Or that she will release it before the full senate votes to try and influence the vote?

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Nonsense. Nobody trashed Garland; nobody did anything to tarnish his reputation.

I am absolutely certain that there are some Democrats who can hardly wait.

Wait wait wait give us at least another 24 hours to decide if we will show up Monday!!!

An attorney for Ford, who accused Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when they were teenagers, said Friday evening in a letter obtained by USA TODAY that Republicans have created “tremendous and unwarranted anxiety and stress” on her by rushing the decision on whether she will testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

They have been discussing it ALL WEEK with the alleged victims attorney!

You backed a money laundering crook who is willing to blow up the system so the rubes will back him.

So yes… he is a danger to the republic.

Talk about your classic conspiracy nut…this takes the cake.


She probably got a better offer to testify on, Jimmy Kimmel Live, The Late Show, and The View. :wink:

Trump laundering money for the Russian mob isn’t a conspiracy theory… it is what is ultimately going to bring him down.

Bookmark this. I don’t mind.

Why does she need more time? Either she wants to testify or she doesn’t.

“The 10:00 p.m. deadline is arbitrary. Its sole purpose is to bully Dr. Ford and deprive her of the ability to make a considered decision that has life-altering implications for her and her family,” Katz wrote. “She has already been forced out of her home and continues to be subjected to harassment, hate mail, and death threats. Our modest request is that she be given an additional day to make her decision.”

She hasn’t had enough time to considering this life-altering implication of going under oath to give her accusation.

You libs said Trump wouldn’t last 6 months, then a year, then he’s going to be impeach, Russian collusion, start world war 3 etc.

You guys have become nothing more then raving lunatics and nothing more.

The joke been on libs from very beginning…just as I was hoping for.

Her name came forward a week ago. They are asking her to testify 5 days from now. How much time does she need?

Look, I totally understand that testifying before the senate in a matter like this will be very uncomfortable but she needs to just make a decision.

This seems though to be a game of one-upsmonship. oh, they want me to give an answer friday… I’ll answer saturday. And when she does answer it will be you want me to testify wednesday - oh I’ll only do thursday.

This is political theater at its worst. It is not quite to the aita hill level but getting real close.

Oh the drama.

She needs at least until after the November election to get herself collected enough to testify. Who knows, she might then ask for a delay until February when new senators are sworn in.


Senators are sworn in on Jan 3rd.

If anybody doesn’t think at this point it is politically motivaed this just proves it.

Now I’m not sure though at this point if it is coming from her, or from the lawyers and operatives she has surrounding her right now. I expect the latter.

She clearly doesn’t want to testify before the committee under oath… the question is why? at this point I don’t think she is going to come before the committee and testify.

So she will have an opening on her calendar Jan 4th 2019 to testify unless the dems win and hen her calendar is full until Jan 4th 2021.

She will need the extra time after the 3rd to properly prepare herself for the life altering event. During the 3 month delay she will be relaxing as best she can to try and forget all the bullying that occured this week.

Everyone is saying that Dr. Ford has a right to make her accusation, many are saying we ought to believe her account, hogwash!!! I don’t for a millisecond believe her, I think someone may have attempted to rape her about thirty-six years ago, but she knows that person will never have to face any consequences after so many years, so now she decides, for political reasons, to fill in the blank with Judge Kavanaugh’s name. She’s not the victim anymore, she’s the perpetrator, she’s trying to destroy the life and career of a good, decent man, who will make an outstanding Supreme Court Justice, the benefit of the doubt should be for him, not for her. If by some minute possibility he did what she said, it was still thirty-six years ago and is no longer prosecutable and should not be the basis to destroy a man who has lived an exemplary life for most, if not all, of his fifty-three years.