One and only Kavenaugh Hearings Thread (part 1)

I’m sure they don’t want anything to do with this. What does that have to do with whether or not they should be called to testify?

Changed from what to what?

What about the Democratic media who are spreading false stories and smears?

What about Democrats and media who are declaring him guilty without any evidence, and don’t care if they ruin his life and the life of his kids?

Does any of that count?

She told her psychiatrist that only 2 people were there, and has now changed it to 4.

That change.

Yes, yes ok. I was trying to make it so it didn’t appear I was attacking the poster or his family.

The number of people she claimed were at the party.

I will be honest here and say that Kav would be hard pressed to convince me that he didnt do what she said he did. To me in my non-factual world… the story is plausible and he looks the part… I think he did it.

I would like some con to be honest and step up and say “Even if he did do it it doesnt matter”. Because thats what we are hearing.

Thank you. That’s correct.

So her story has changed. Three of those allegedly at the party deny it. Feinstein sat on it for two months and only released it (or someone leaked it without her knowledge) at the last minute.

Grassley finds out about the accusation not from Feinstein but from the media. Even so, he sets up a meeting, gives the accuser the option of a closed or public hearing, and even offers to have the interview done in CA if she’s not comfortable coming to DC

But the GOP are the bad guys here. Simply incredible.

That one went right by you.

Do you also think Keith Ellison is guilty of domestic assault?

Do you mean participants or witnesses or at the party total. Three aint a party

Isnt he the astronaut?

Based on what I’ve read, doesn’t look like it.

I’m completely shocked you and @Vigilante have completely different opinions on BK and Ellison.

At least you are being honest about it, I will give you that.

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Grassley has set a 10 AM deadline for Burns to notify him she wants to testify monday.

If she declines on to the vote.

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4 people in the room to

The theripist got it wrong it was 2 in the room and 2 others there

Is he up for a Senate Confirmation as well? I havent heard anything about him. Who is that?

She told the therapist that there were 4 people in the room, now she says the therapist notes are wrong. two in the room, two others in the house.

Huh M ba whaaa?


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