One and only Kavenaugh Hearings Thread (part 1)

For some odd reason the girl at holton arms who said she remembers hearing about the event then wont testify or even interview either. What does that mean?

I bet the dude is at home tonight thinking “Please don’t make me testify, please don’t make me testify, please don’t make me testify, please don’t make me testify…”

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There is no need to hear from witnesses in a case where they haven’t heard from an accuser.

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I’m sure he is as giddy about testifying to Congress as the accuser is.

if this was my wife, it wouldn’t have gotten this far. there is no way i would let her testify knowing that people like Alex Jones and Laura Ingram and Rush and Fox would ruin our lives and the lives of our kids. even if it was true. there is zero chance that i put my family through that. we would discuss it, see that Republican media would trash us for the foreseeable future and we’d just move on.

Naaaa. You would take one for the team… just like Ms Ford was convinced to do.

when you get more than one fork in your house, your opinion of family will mean more to me.

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How many forks did Jesus have?

What’s the square root of 77?

What will he testify to? Ford hasn’t even said she would be there to testify. She right now has a memory block of any specifics of this alleged crime. I don’t this would be like call a friend on who wants to be a millionaire.

There were no witnesses other than the accuser and possibly the accused.

Kavanaugh could bring his friends in and say what a great honest guy he is
Ford could bring her pals in wearing their pink knitted caps and tell how honest she is and how all men are pigs.

That’s about it.

Sounds to me like Ford is a pretty big liberal activist. She probably would jump at a chance to play dirty politics along those she admires.


right there. exactly what i’m talking about. no way i let my wife testify and have our family attacked non-stop. our kids will have normal lives.

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Franklin Graham: Even if Christine Blasey Ford’s allegation of sexual assault is true, it shouldn’t matter.

Ford said there was another person there. How did you miss this?

And you shouldn’t encourage misleading allegations just to politically smear a person that doesn’t share your view point.

But in Ford’s case, I would expect she really doesn’t consult her husband. She wants her 15 minutes of fame.

I actually laughed out loud at this post. You should read it again and embrace the glaring irony.

It had to be intentional (or he left his Wiki open)

Of course. And has anyone considered these two men have unwittingly and involuntarily been dragged into this? They have families. Probably kids. So maybe they want nothing more to do with this than issue denials and vouch for BK’s character.

Yet the left says this is evidence they must know something or are being dishonest.

And how did you miss that she changed her story?

Plus, three of the four have all denied being there.

But let’s drag this out for another couple of months anyway.