One and only Kavenaugh Hearings Thread (part 1)

If SCJ’s had to be beyond reproach the court would stand empty.

How would any investigation at this time determine the truth or no of his denials or the truth or no of her accusations?

Nobody has said otherwise.

Should be, but the accuser’s lawyers aren’t having any of it. Instead they send a letter to Chuck Grassley asking him to ask the FBI to investigate. :laughing:

It’s the seriousness of the charge, dammit!

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I wish these allegations happened in a perfect vacuum with a perfectly consistent process. But it’s a helter skelter response seemingly more informed by politics than principle. Trump, Franken, Conyers, Barton, Kihuen,Franks, et al.

I understand each episode must be treated individually, but do feel a need for consistency and clarity.

In DC? Surely you must be joking. Two things Congress is well known for. Coke and hookers.

I’ve kind of changed my mind on that. The more I read and see her reactions the more I think she may have been set-up by Feinstein & Ilk.

If anyone should go to jail or suffer repercussions it is Feinstein for withholding the information. Though, I’m sure she’s covered all of her bases while leaving Ford out to dry.

Plus Feinstein is one of the Congressional elite. They play by an entirely different set of rules than we do. Illegal? Nah. Just for the peasants.

Haha! I’m becoming more naive the older I get.

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Outside of asking anyone named to voluntarily give them a testimony under oath what else can they do? And if that is all that can be done do we really need the FBI to do that?

I’d say there are several reasons why, as in the case of Clarence Thomas, the FBI adds value.

Their reason for existence is investigation.

They have resources all around the country and are uniquely positioned to act on leads or to interview witnesses with relative ease anywhere in the country.

The also not have to put people under oath to prevent active false witness.

They are, or were considered to be until the shameful accusations of this President, neutral observers. I still put faith in their professionalism in such matters.

Another reason that strikes me, if it does come down to testimony before the committee, the last thing the majority on the committee wants to see is surprises in the testimony given. They’re much better off knowing the answers to the questions anybody on the committee might be inclined to ask.

That’s what the FBI did in the Thomas hearings.

Not only do the republicans not want an FBI investigation, they only want Ford to testify and preferably behind closed doors.

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Let Ford and Kavanaugh testify and then, if anything more is needed, bring the FBI in at that point. There is no reason that shouldn’t be the starting point of the investigation.
In fact, get them both under oath and then the job of the FBI is just to see if there is a way to determine who is lying.
(And there won’t be a way)
Lets see what Ford says about it under oath before wasting more time.
That’s really all there is to start an investigation…her word. Make it her word under oath.

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They didn’t investigate Clinton’s rape of Juanita…

Since when did republicans care about “wasting time?”

Its not an FBI issue. This falls under local or State jurisdiction, not Federal.

But it is not within the FBI’s jurisdiction. This alleged incident is a local or State matter.