One and only Kavenaugh Hearings Thread (part 1)

They would likely start with interviews to see if any leads can happen. Also, lying to the FBI is a crime, so perhaps that would put more pressure on people to come clean - whether the accuser or Kavanaugh. Having said that I guess I always thought sexual assault/rape was a criminal charge, prosecuted by the states? I dont know…

Is that the role of the FBI, in particularly with a 35 year old accusation?

FBI does background checks on all nominees to Senate-confirmed positions, I believe.

This wouldn’t be a criminal referral, but more of an extension of that process.

Naa … background check were done before… several times.

Who said they did?

Afaik, they forwarded a letter.

What you’re supposed to do. It’s not some great heroic act, nor a nefarious one. Just what you’re supposed to do.

So, why did they do the 3rd, 4th, 5th …

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Thanks for the link. This matter doesn’t seem like its worth the FBI’s time.

Not for the average person, true, but not everyone has 6 FBI background checks either.

The link supplied by the other post indicated as much. The fact is that this should have went to local law enforcement 36 years ago.

The dimocrats strategy here is a combination of these things

  1. Delay (if fbi investigates, it slows down the process)
  2. Denial (hey, it’s not us, it’s the fbi)
  3. Blame (we wanted to have a thorough investigation, but the fbi wouldn’t)
  4. More blame (trump’s fbi wouldn’t investigate his appointee, “corruption”, Repubs rushed it)
  5. Precedent (Well, they wouldn’t investigate kavanaugh’s accuser, so they don’t need to investigate claims against future nominees)

They’re covering all bases.


It won’t be as effective as the 11 month delay.

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I’m curious if they were to get involved in this do they have the authority to force anyone to testify on this matter?

Force? I doubt it and why would they?

The democrats are insisting that there needs to be an FBI investigation into this matter. I’m just wondering what they legally would be allowed to do if they were to get involved.

FBI would be foolish if they allow themselves to be used as political pawns again…one would think they have learn their lesson.
But I don’t hold out any hope.

6 times from my understanding.

Three of them now.

As a councel in the white house.
When confirmed as a federal judge
When nominated for Supreme court.

All three come back clean or he wouldn’t be where he is.

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Do what they are supposed to do?

You mean forward it to the local police department of the area for them to do what they would normally do with an alleged sexual assult from 35 years ago?

I just can’t help but to be perplexed at what their role would be here?

So how does this work now? The Democrats are demanding an FBI investigation. Is the director of the FBI now supposed to give them a response on what the FBI is going to do?