One and only Kavenaugh Hearings Thread (part 1)

culture as a whole is quite unfriendly to woman be it normalization of sexual abuse or straight up saying its okay to slap woman for acting “Moody” which was common prior to the 1960’s.

She’s not requesting accommodation so offering it makes no difference. It’s a circus.

Um…she has a lawyer to speak for her. Just like Manafort, Flynn and the rest of trump’s crime family. Those lawyers express their clients’ wishes.

Looks like she is “open” to the “possibility” of testifying, just not on Monday…Ford lawyers say she is open to testifying, but not Monday ::

Hmmm :thinking: More delays. The committee should tell her to show up on Monday or the hearings are cancelled, period.

Because they have no proof so no one will believe them.

So, just for the record, if someone settles out of court, that means they’re guilty of the thing they were being sued over?

address the post, not the poster.

I understand the republican deflection away from the exact talking point the right-wing is trying to use right now, “why didn’t they come forward immediately,” especially while parading Broaddrick around all over Fox. It’s disgusting and inconsistent.

My sarcastic post was quite clear in its intent.

But they remember where it happened. You can be sure of that.

And filling in the gaps with memories that aren’t exactly right is a way to solve that memory problem…but not a good way to prove a case after 35 years.,

Actually I have.

She mentioned a federal judge…and Kavanaugh was the only federal judge she went to high school with.

There are many coping techniques to deal with trauma. Repression is one of them.

Also, the way emotions are processed

In fact, traumatic memory distortion appears to follow a particular pattern: people tend to remember experiencing even more trauma than they actually did. This usually translates into greater severity of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD) symptoms over time, as the remembered trauma “grows.” (For research articles documenting this, see the references cited in this post.) Trauma, PTSD, and Memory Distortion | Psychology Today

I believe “something” happened to Dr. Ford. However, I question her memory as well as her motivations, including if she even really knows who attempted to assault her and the actual severity of the incident.

For all anyone knows, she could have had an Uncle (for example) abusing her, saw Kavanaugh on the news one day and he reminded her of her Uncle. Instant memory overlay of blank faces from the alleged assault.

We know nothing of Dr. Ford or her past. She may be a very confused woman. IMO, to take an incident as she describes and still be festering over it 30-40 years later does not show mental stability.

Well, glad you stopped by for the psychoanalysis, doc. You met your colleague in the thread?

Do they, doc? You sure about that?

Christine Ford’s new excuse for not testifying is, she wants the FBI to investigate Kavanaugh before she testifies.

See: Christine Blasey Ford Wants F.B.I. to Investigate Kavanaugh Before She Testifies

Sept. 18, 2018

”Speaking through her lawyers, Christine Blasey Ford did not explicitly rule out appearing next Monday before the Senate Judiciary Committee to testify along with Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh. But echoing Senate Democrats, she said an investigation should be “the first step” before she is put “on national television to relive this traumatic and harrowing incident.”

But the real reason seems to be, her lawyer probably told her anyone who knowing lies to Congress, especially one who is under oath, is guilty of perjury and shall be fined or imprisoned up to five years,


The unavoidable truth is, the Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’, Andrew Gillum and Ayanna Pressley’s socialist plan for “free” college tuition will be paid for by taxing millions of college graduates who worked for and paid their own way through college and are now trying to finance their own economic needs.

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Since when does an individual dictate how the process will work. She has 7 days. The FBI has said its will not investigate. I wonder who is really schooling her on what to do. The FBI should investigate that. Democrats should be embarrassed by the actions of some of their elected officials.

Maybe then Trump Jr should have retained her lawyer.

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Actually the FBI said “no comment”…not that it wouldn’t investigate.

Also they would have to investigate if so ordered by President Trump…like when he ordered up a background check before he nominated Mr. Kavanaugh.

Once again you’re just echoing what’s been fed to you and not bothered to check it out yourself.

Ford’s Lawyer, Debra Katz, is one piece of work, and probably using Ford to accomplish the Democrats obstruction and delay tactics.

See The Legal Advisor for Kavanaugh’s Accuser Is a Big Time Democratic Donor, Thinks People Who Work for Trump Are ‘Miscreants’

”According to the Post, Ford initially refrained from revealing the alleged information of a horrendous sexual assault due to privacy concerns for herself and her family. But she thought it was her duty to come forward on the record after the advice of Washington lawyer Debra Katz. Katz, however, has a long history of dismissing sexual assault allegations against liberal politicians, donating to left-wing causes, and even publicly demonizing all Trump advisors as "miscreants" who are worse than deplorables.”


The Democrat Party Leadership’s offer for free government cheese is really not free. It first addicts and then enslaves participants on an iron fisted socialist run plantation.