One and only Kavenaugh Hearings Thread (part 1)

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So you OK now?

if i were having a son i would consider naming him Brett, after this man. He is obviously a fine man and a gentleman

He or She is now claiming they are a Psychologist for Rape Victims now!

I really don’t care if you believe me or not, memory dissociation is extremely common in sexual abuse cases.

That may be true, but her friend and Kavanaughs friend said it never happened, Mike Judge said it never happened. This lady also hired a George Soros minion. Feinstein is the animal in this whole thing, politicizing this thing! Its not fair to ford or kavenaugh.

I posted it before and I will do so again.

My ex wife was sexually assaulted in college.

It took her years to talk about it so I went around half of our fifteen year relationship not knowing this about her. I had even worked with the guy a couple of years before I had met her.

She has and has had very real emotional problems with this issue. I even think that that attack is in part one of the problems what led to our eventual divorce.

Now… that guy was a nobody. Imagine if he was in line to become one of the most powerful people in the country?

That is why I don’t balk at someone taking time to tell anyone or waiting years to even talk about it. Because I have lived it.

I am sorry for your loss! That is such a shame! She has her chance to be heard on Monday! The Senate is willing to meet her anywhere she wants to meet, and is being as accommodating as they can without making this thing a circus. I hope for Mrs Fords sake, and Mr Kavanaughs sake that they both testify monday.

I never said she was lying or telling the truth, I said don’t use the lack of detail as evidence because that is common with victims, even more so if they are raised in a society that normalizes sexual assault.

That she started setting up several years ago because she just knew Kavanaugh would be appointed to SCOTUS one day…

Again that may be true, but there are too many weird circumstance that keep popping up, that make me doubt the severity of this. She is literally telling the FBI and Senate how they should handle their jobs. She wants to be treated fairly, I understand that, what is “Fairly” mean? Not testifying under oath? UMM NO, you publicly accused someone , they are going under oath and so are you, this is not a game. Both sides have a right to get their voice out in a fair and concise way.

how do we normalize sexual assault?

(not implying we dont)


except, she never mentioned mr o’kavanaugh


She never mentioned Mark Judge either, and he basically said shes full of it.

the “fairly” crap is from democrats coaching for sure

this way she can say “nope not appearing - situation isnt fair!”

I’ll leave Canadian alone in that regard. He has absurd strawmen, is completely irrational, and is a lefty’s lefty. But I’ve never caught him in an outright lie. So he probably does something like that.

one of many flags on this charade

This event took place 30 + years ago? what was the common understanding of consent at the time, let look at the all time classic movie “Revenge of the Nerds” 1989 one of the main characters trick a woman into having sex with him by pretending to be her boyfriend.

Its played off as a joke, they fall in love.
but in reality that was rape.

I’m not debating that. I said that the source of the leak has more than one possibility.

Doesn’t matter.