One and only Kavenaugh Hearings Thread (part 1)

More like lib justice minus 101!

You have absolutely no idea if it’s “selective”. Nothing is apparent but your bias.

I can tell you who owned each house I partied at. I can more than likely tell you the reason the party was held (finals, prom, summer bash, we all got paid at the same time). Nearly all I drove to and from. I could drive to the houses (well at least were they were).

You seem to be implying that the accuser has an anti-Trump agenda??? :confused:

Broaddrick knows the month and year and place of the rape. Records show the specific date. Records also show that Clinton was in the area at the time and that he knew her… well. (Recall Hillary’s thanking her for ALL SHES DONE). She told three friends at the time. One of them found her just hours after the rape with the wounds and torn clothing that she tells about.

If your girl has those kinds of details, then stop the presses. We need to find out more.

But she has nothing.

Then you are going to hate this…

But in his first year of college, Kavanaugh joined an organization notorious for disrespecting women: the campus chapter of the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity.

A photograph that appeared in the Yale Daily News on Jan. 18, 1985, shows Kavanaugh’s fraternity brothers waving a flag woven from women’s underwear as part of a procession of DKE initiates marching across Yale’s campus. Kavanaugh does not appear in the photograph.

n the 1985 photo, the DKE pledges — “fondly known as ‘buttholes,’” according to the caption — brandish a flag made of underwear and brasiers as they march outside Woodbridge Hall, Yale’s central administrative building. At the time, Bartlett Giamatti, the University’s president, was a former DKE brother himself.

Although the flag may seem shocking by today’s standards, the photograph appeared in 1985 under the tongue-in-cheek headline “DKE AT PLAY.” At the time of the escapades, Kavanaugh — who does not appear in the photo — was a sophomore, already inducted into the fraternity.

If you think that that is the only reason that she is willing to subject herself to an FBI investigation then go with that.

She signed an affidavit saying none of it ever happened.

“Your girl.” Show a SINGLE POST of mine on this forum that you believe demonstrates her being “my girl.” I’ll wait.

You do know that every person is that exactly the same right?

“Kavanaugh — who does not appear in the photo”

What is the relevance of your post again?

I’m sure all the teenage girls out there will be pleased to learn that the punishment-free rapings will stop as soon as their male friends turn 18.

Sounds like the party I went to one winter and walked home with no shoes. Pot was laced with something.

Lets get a bigger picture.

DKE flags were carried to the North Pole by its discoverer, Admiral Robert Peary and to the Moon by astronaut Alan Bean.During the Civil War, the first Union officer killed in battle was DKE member Theodore Winthrop of Phi.

Does not sound like Libs Bert&Ernie fraternity.

and juanita is not the only one making such claims.

Exactly… the serial predator pattern.

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Right, it’s not a physical assault with malice, it’s just being “stoopid.”

This is only a story you have made up in your head. I don’t seem to recall anyone saying he was a hard partier in high school. His friend was. I had friends that were hard partiers in high school but I didn’t drink at all and was their sober driver to make sure they all got home safe.

That’s true, it is completely obvious from her story that she hadn’t gone swimming.

There’s some sources out there that say otherwise.

Not talking about something is not the same thing as repressing it.