One and Only Chauvin-Floyd Murder Trial Thread

Self licking ice cream cone.

Did you see Tucker lose his mind last night?

Yeah I saw the clips. Laughing like the Joker and ■■■■■

He’s doing it again today.

Wonder if he’s nervous about the Dan White Society…

Wait, isn’t Dan White the guy that killed Harvey Milk? I remember that movie.

He is.

Well that’s a thing that happened. I mean I grew up in the era where being gay was not the wave and homophobic slurs were constant and I said it a lot myself but being part of a group that lionized an assassin just cause his victim was a poof? That’s legit nuts.

Yep. Of “twinkie defense” fame.

Wonder what his sentence will be.

Screw the sentence, I wanna know if he’ll be living in GenPop.


No. I was thinking last night maybe we should build a special prison for cops, pols and tv people.

Martha already has a Vineyard. lol

Probably 15 years years or so. The prosecution is going to ask for a longer sentence, but they probably won’t get it.

Definitely not. He’s in Oak Park Heights.

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Is that a cushy spot?

Level 5 Maximum Security, with ADMAX.

It’s basically a state-level ADX Florence.

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At least they’ll keep him busy.

The jury was in CYA mode - COVER YOUR A$$ - with their verdict.

This case has MISTRIAL written all over it.

– The state of Minnesota frikkin SETTLED with the Floyd family PRE TRIAL: this affected the jury;

– Representative Maxine Waters called for VIOLENCE against the community in that area if a verdict was issued which was counter to what she wanted. That is jury tampering.

But hey, it’s Minnesota. This couldn’t be happening to a more well deserved, nicer bunch of Yankees.

Floyd was not murdered. And Chauvin is innocent.

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Yeah the sentence will not matter if he’s in GenPop.

I doubt he would last 2 weeks there.

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