One and Only Chauvin-Floyd Murder Trial Thread

Pedantic pedantry.

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Right on! :fist:t3:

Yes they would. And did.

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LOL!!! That case falls into pretty white girl privilege! If George Floyd was a white biker type dude a lot of white people wouldn’t have batten an eye.

Overlooked by who?


By whom.

Or a young man from Granbury, Tx.

I don’t think that’s accurate.

Now, if you’d have said culture, I might agree. At least partially.

Yet society knows George Floyd’s name.

I was interested in the opening statements. It is the Lawyers first chance to make an impression. And I have always considered it a popularity contest. And I thought that the Council for the prosecution did a much better job then the Council for the defense.

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  1. Never said Floyd was the best person in the world. He wasn’t. Guy had a dark past.

  2. It’s immaterial to the trial. Floyd’s past has nothing to do with what happened that fateful day.


IMHO this will become a narrative. And you are correct that his past is not on trail here.
Of course how many times to these things enter the line of questioning. Then there is the objection which is sustained by the Judge. And then he orders the jury to disregard what was said.

The Prosecution handled that case at warp speed with no video evidence.

what if his past showed a lot of resisting arrest?

his past prob shows a lot of drug use. the drug levels in blood that “fateful” day were arguably overdose levels.

the narrative is that this was a racism fueled cop murdering a helpless poor black man

but you can still try to pretend other narratives are at play. lets just hope they dont lead to another summer of looting, destruction and murder

but i know. “blm is not on trial here”

None of that matters

None of that matters. The cop killed him. Plain and simple.

This is the tactic that those who defend cops at all costs, use. Some cop unjustly shoots/kills a guy, then the cop defenders dig through the victims past looking for anything to justify the shooting… " See, look at this guys past, he was busted twice for having weed 5-10 years ago". He has a criminal history!

In one thread, people complain that a cop shot and killed a woman who stormed the capitol.

In another thread, people defend a cop kneeling on a man’s neck for 8 minutes.

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but no one digs through cops history huh

you people are priceless i’ll tell you what