Once again libs are using FBI as a political weapon

It’s not a criminal investigation, nobody has to talk to them. If it were me, they would get a statement through my lawyer and that’s it.

What an odd assessment.

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I’m sure you would think so.

If they are making false accusations they aren’t victims, they are “victims” at best.

Seriously? She and her lawyers from day one wanted different treatment in regards to the Senate hearing right down to dictating what cameras etc. would be allowed. You think she won’t try to dictate terms for her FBI interview? :joy: They are already bitching about the timeframe and I’m sure as it get further along the week, they will find something else to complain about in regards to the FBI investigation they wanted.

Also, every one interviewed for my background investigation was alone, including myself. No lawyers.

I’m pretty sure you missed a comma in your response. :wink:

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Nobodies asking the FBI to provide conclusions, they are asking for the results of an investigation.


Im wondering how many republicans are being paid off by the demons of the Democratic Party or if they are just really this spineless. I have a hard time believing that Flake the fake decided at the last minute to accommodate the left, he’s a younger version of the lying supposed war hero who had the seat before him. Pack it in Republicans you can’t win, look who’s running the FBI and Pumpkin Head just keeps playing right into they’re hands. ITS OVER!!

The strings and news clippings go up slowly…

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Must be the Dem leading the organization.

Oh wait.

The FBI did a vetting of Kavanaugh SIX previous times for positions at a Federal level.
Will anything new other than unsubstantiated accusations give the appearance of the FBI as being incompetent or less than thorough?
Somebody is going to look like a maroon! :confused:

Ford is going to look silly when the FBI finds out she committed perjury. I wonder how she’s going to feel about her decision to “tell her story” then.

Don’t know yet. I don’t think Dr. Ford’s name was on his original form.

She should get Cheryl and Huma.

Well considering they don’t possess any power to do things like get a warrant for any of her communications or do much beyond asking her a few questions if she agrees to it, odds are she’s pretty safe even if she is telling a lie.

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If Ford doesn’t cooperate with an FBI interview this week, then the investigation should be concluded with her Senate testimony. She was questioned pretty thoroughly between Rachel Mitchel and the Dems. (I know Mitchell did not seem to do a great job, but she unveiled as much of Ford’s story as needed to describe the accusation and create doubt due to her inconsistencies. I know as a juror I would have felt sorry for Ford feeling her pain but not been convinced she accurately remembered the incident.)

There’s a theory that her therapist used drug or hypnosis therapy to help her recover her memory. That process produces inaccurate results because people are highly suggestive in both states. They can knit recent and past memories together trying to give a coherent story to explain a visceral feeling (fear, anger, etc.)


If only poor Juanita Broaddrick had all these SJWs coming to her aid back when she made her allegation against Clinton, eh?

100% agree with Clinton point. Clinton cult members like to forget Clinton was great friends with Trump and families where close they attended family functions together. Two corrupt elite NYC liberals buddy buddy planing on ways to scam money from poor people.

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Corruption? In Washington DC? You don’t say.

You are blaming the victim.