On Twitter NFL Honor George Floyd/Family At Vikings Game This Sunday Another Get Woke Go Broke SJW/BLM

The people in this woke movement in the NFL have to be living in a fantasy land that resides inside their own heads. They were appalled and shocked that the fans booed the moment of unity. Keep in mind this moment of unity came right after two national anthems.

This reminds me of the beginning of the 2016 republican primary after Trump won New Hampshire. The shock and name calling were plastered all over news papers here in the northeast. As if this surprised them. I think the media and many of the people that do this virtue signaling live in a completely different world than the rest of us.

they’re playing again? hadn’t noticed. quit them after all the kneeling. oddly, don’t miss it.

Agreed and well said.

The only Black Lives that matter to Black Lives Matter are folks who are injured or killed in some kind of altercation with the police. Usually the protesting starts before anyone has had a chance to investigate anything…And upon further review we usually find there was more to the story, that the person interacting with the police in some way resisted arrest, had a criminal record, and that if they had been cooperative, not been stoned, not reached for a weapon or tried to grab an officers gun the entire incident probably would have ended differently.

Yet BLM and it’s enablers would have us believe the good people in uniform who protect and serve this country are all systemically racist…Which is not true.

Black Lives Matter does not deserve our support, it should not be legitimized, and the last four months have done far more damage to real people of all ethnicities than any benefit.

The lives of all people matter and no matter the race, religion, or gender all people deserve to be treated with respect…But all people also need to earn that respect by their own actions and the way they live.

If there are bad cops and I’m sure out of the hundreds of thousands in this country there are a few we should all support rooting them out, but overall our police are good people just trying to do their jobs and serve their communities, the probably deserve to be paid more and they damn sure deserve way more respect than they are currently getting.

Two cops were shot overnight in LA and apparently a bunch of human filth is standing outside the hospital this morning chanting about hoping they die. And I’m supposed to respect that crap???

I Google “BLM kills *” and I came up with zero results. I even googled “BLM Member kills *” and got 1 hit for someone suspected of being a BLM Member, but the only tie was the person had a BLM Facebook post.

If the BLM movement is responsible for a killing, every time the killer is seen with as little as a Facebook post saying “Black Lives Matter” then we have to start randomly attributing a lot more to other killers…

Wearing Levi’s? It’s Levi’s fault
Wearing Nike? Well Nike supports BLM, so it’s Nike.


This is exactly how BLM go it’s start. However if you look at their mission statements they do actually care about Black Lives, so much so, that they are willing to protest when one is unlawfully murdered by the state.

Not all. But the institution of policing is built on racism. Even good cops (black or white) can succumb to it.

Really? Disgusting if true, link?

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Tweet from LA Sheriff Dept.

No It Is Not…

This one statement renders everything else you have said completely lacking in credibility. Like all of our society, most police are good people, with a small number of bad apples.

Black Lives Matter is a domestic terror organization, nothing more. Using violence and intimidation to get what it wants.

Whoever’s pushing this is clearly great at gaining support for their cause. /sarc

This crap and those folks out there blocking ambulances and screaming for the officers’ deaths right now are not from the right. What are people to do? They can’t eat in peace, they can’t feel safe, and the police are being attacked. All it seems we can do is vote and pray the DC left are beaten.

This is a post I wrote on the thread about the LA Police officers being shot last night. But here’s your BLM…

Justify it if you want to but my mind on this group of thugs is pretty well made up.

In reading this thread I see a group of reliable Hannity Board Leftists immediately jumped to “There’s no proof it was BLM…”. At the moment there probably isn’t…I hope they find the person who did this.

I would point out to those reliable Hannity Board Leftists that our history here has shown they would be the same people saying “Donald Trump’s Racist Rhetoric Triggered His Evil Supporters To Take This Action…” with very little evidence if the tables were somehow reversed.

Beyond that…There’s a new twist to this story…

Dirtbags are now standing out in front of the hospital… “Protesters reportedly shouting slogans like “Death to the police!” showed up to the Los Angeles area hospital treating two law enforcement officers who were ambushed and shot on Saturday.” https://www.foxnews.com/us/protesters-hospital-los-angeles-sheriffs-deputies-ambushed

" “To the protesters blocking the entrance [and] exit of the HOSPITAL EMERGENCY ROOM yelling ‘We hope they die’ referring to 2 LA Sheriff’s ambushed today in #Compton: DO NOT BLOCK EMERGENCY ENTRIES [AND] EXITS TO THE HOSPITAL. People’s lives are at stake when ambulances can’t get through,” the LA County Sheriff’s Department wrote on Twitter early Sunday morning."

The linked article goes on to say “A local faith leader who was at the hospital told a KABC reporter that the protesters tried to get into the emergency room…They were saying ‘Death to the police’ and ‘Kill the police,’ and these are sheriffs, but the message is still the same. They were using all types of curse words and derogatory terms,” he told KABC. “Unacceptable behavior, because a hospital should be a sanctuary.”

I pray they find the dirtbag that did this…I hope we learn the truth…

But forgive me for watching that video and seeing this disruption at a hospital of all places and not seeing the fingerprints of BLM terrorists all over the place.

Thanks, that’s outrageous

Then you don’t know the history of policing and prisons in this country

Your opinion is noted. Right wing terrorism is more of a threat, as noted by the FBI

Just imagine having the audacity to boo other people standing in a line in silence for a moment of solidarity for racial injustice. What a weird hill to die on.

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Sports is entertainment.

People want a few hours to be able to get away from the troubles of the day as well as politics.

Most folks don’t want this kind of stuff shoved in their faces.

If the players want to show solidarity, they need to do it on their own time and leave it out of the sport.

It appears that the BLM “Peaceful protestors” have ambushed police officers i wonder will the NFL honor those BLM protestors

You need better google-fu.

I can’t help someone who chooses to be blind.

Once again you demonstrate your ignorance.

I think it’s deliberate.

Just this one? This has been de rigueur from him since he joined the board.

Except in reality they don’t have to do that and aren’t.

This is just what you want and they’ve answered by organizing the exact opposite.

The people who pay to see them play a game are not paying to see them make political or social statements.

They can do that on their personal time.

Nope. Again these are your wishes. In reality, the exact opposite is occurring and will continue to.

Patrick Mahomes is making what, half a billion? That’s a lot of money, going to buy a lot more power.