On Tarriffs With Canada “Didn’t you guys burn down the White House?”

Yup. This whole trade balance thing isn’t all that well thought through, that’s for sure.

If Canada told us they were thirsty, would we shove a garden hose down their throat?

What? You think the trade deficit comes out of the government’s pocket?

still … if Trump said " you guys" it could just as well have meant you people who call the queen your queen. You monarchists.

You have no idea how trade works. IN what magical world will all countries have “balanced” trade with each other? Or is it just the US that gets to do this?

Also, could you explain more about “drain on our economic future ability to sustain the economy today?” Our “economy today” is after decades of trade deficits. How did we grow this big if deficits are a “drain?”

Americans buy a ton of cheap stuff from Mexico. If Mexicans don’t buy a ton of cheap stuff from America it’s not fair!

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Justin it trying to do damage control saying the Don was only joking.

I guess he belatedly realized mocking someone with such thin skin wasn’t such a great idea.

Trump and trudeau deserve each other.

[quote=“FlyAway, post:24, topic:3288, full:true”}

You think trump would hesitate to do something like this if the tables were turned? Maybe he deserves a little turnabout and pushback, though it will probably thud off his thick narcissistic skull.

The point is… why would anyone go out of their way to antagonize someone they already know has notoriously thin skin and will retaliate?

Plus, Trudeau did it to the biggest hack on CNN… When the story first broke it sounded as though Trump was serious, now Trudeau claims it was all a joke since it appears to be backfiring on his (Trudeau’s) own country.

I want to keep it that way and thanks for making my point. A deficit drains that and a few decades or even years from now, depending on the amount, we’ll be surpassed. In answer to your second question, just spend equally or a positive trade deficit?

Yeah that’s true.

Canada is a fully independent nation today, though. Recognizing the monarchy is part of being a member of the commonwealth. The monarchy has no power in Canada. If Britain went to war today Canada has no legally binding reason to support them.

How in the world did you come up with that? The government is hopefully, at best, a necessary expense of “we the people”. A deficit comes out of our ability to purchase equally again.

We get benefits out of Canada that far outweigh any trade imbalances.

They are basically free army divisions and a naval fleet for us. If NATO (the West) goes into a real war with Russia or China most Canadian forces will end up under American command.

Our militiaries are so intertwined that it boggles the mind. It’s actually created controversy up there before.

Presently…the US dollar is the “gold standard” across the globe. The currency of other countries is not as stable as ours. What this means is that most countries accept a dollar in return for what they’re selling but the same is not true with other currencies. Just try and use a Canadian coin or bill in Tennessee? Most businesses will not accept it. Now go anywhere in Canada and give them a US bill. They’re going to attempt to use your ignorance and screw you out of all or a portion of the exchange rate. This acceptance around the world allows the US the luxury of…printing money. If we ever lose that ability, much will change immediately as “we” know it.

Calm down…you arent going to do anything

Let me make this easy for you then if you want to get snarky. If the US was a wealthy business but it started spending more than it took in, what would happen in the long run?

Militarily it’s equal. How many lives have you got? When it’s gone, there’s no more value. We protect each other equally.

I bet that really sticks in a lib’s craw… America winning.

The future lies in China and Russia. Oz is a great place for weekend liberty but is as insignificant as Canada or Uruguay. England makes a good vacuum cleaner and not much else. France is Mexico with a different accent. Even the Germans are turning their gaze to the east. That railroad to China is sealing that deal.

China definitely. Rising middle class, over 1 billion potential consumers, and a strong technological base that is improving faster than anyone could have predicted just 10 years ago.

Russia I’m not so sure about. That country has some serious issues it needs to overcome if it ever wants to achieve even a fraction of the “glory” the Soviet state had its height.

There will always be an imbalance of trade America is 10x bigger then us.

Like I said, you don’t know how trade works.