Omarosa Releases Another Tape

She should go to jail. But nope. Not gonna happen.

Sounds more like she was asked to resign and did.

She should have done it through Wikileaks.


I’d say that’s true of many evangelicals - perhaps even most - but not all. I’m evangelical and my refusal to support Trump lies at least partially with my evangelical beliefs. In short, I cannot support Trump and hold true to my evangelical beliefs - the two belief systems are at odds.

Still sounds like Trump had no idea she was leaving regardless. In other words, another example of his utter incompetence.

Fair enough.

But at the same time, he enjoys overwhelming support with that group. And that groups beliefs have shifted to rationalize their support for Trump.

You’re in the minority unfortunately. :frowning:

Old B-52s song reference?

The executive branch is quite large. I’m sure the President doesn’t know what’s happening with every person that works there.

That said…he brought Omarosa in…he should have known.

That is true. And, I have been disgusted by seeing so many evangelicals get taken in. I actually left my old church because the pastor was so pro - Trump he essentially told me I wasn’t a Christian if I didn’t vote for Trump. I essentially told him my Christianity was between me and God - that kind of left him speechless.


Washington dc has one party consent laws…

Next deflection to protect your king…

Wrong again…

Might want to try something else to protect your king…

Maybe she will go to jail. But she certainly won’t be the first nor will she be the last of this “most corrupt administration in US history” to end up behind bars. What an absolute joke Trump continues to prove himself to be.

Obviously Trump is flat-out lying to Omarosa, when he says he didn’t know anything about it. Typical ■■■■■■■■■■■■ move by President Weasel, to avoid taking responsibility.

I don’t think Trump knows of all the fires. It would be weird for him not to know about this specific one.

It’s on quite solid legal ground in a single party jurisdictions.

Fair point it’s quite large. But he should know high level people and if they’re being fired.

He’d get a pass if it was a random assistant that’s 4 levels below him.

But no competent CEO with his alleged business acumen would have been this ignorant.

Ya the way he said goshdarnit sounded so fake lol

Looks like this could be a sweet twofer. Omarosa gets bitch slapped for an unauthorized recording in a secure area, and Trump is (yet again) made to look like a complete incompetent idiot. For the millionth time.

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Well, looking at the transcript of her firing, even if making the recording was legal it appears she may have some other legal problems they could choose to pursue that they were previously letting her off the hook on by just firing her.

i think sane people should be rejoicing. the Trump Republicans (and non-Trump Trump Republicans) are finally calling for the prosecution of a Trump hire. that’s big time news.

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