Ollie North-Funniest Thing I've heard in a Long time

Well no, Hesston didn’t sell out his country to the Vietnamese for political gain.

So military service heroics CAN be expunged by behavior to make someone not a hero. Understood.

John Kerry was never a hero.

Tell that to the men he saved (Bronze Star, Silver Star).

John Kerry was never a hero.

Jim Rassmann, Green Beret, was fished out of the water under fire by Kerry. I’ll take his word for it over yours.

I really don’t care what you choose to believe.

Kerry was never a hero, he threw his medals over the fence and his country under the bus when he aided and abetted the Vietnamese in Paris with his lies.

So again you are confirming that behavior after military service can deny someone being called a hero.

And your position is throwing away medals is a worse offense than committing felonies like lying to Congress and selling weapons to our enemies.

Yes, I think we understand you.


Off to a good start.

“They’re not activists—this is civil terrorism. This is the kind of thing that’s never been seen against a civil rights organization in America,” Oliver North told the Washington Times. “You go back to the terrible days of Jim Crow and those kinds of things—even there you didn’t have this kind of thing.”

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Indeed he is. His goal was to increase membership by a million during his tenure and he’s laid out a plan to specifically target veterans for recruitment so with his natural appeal to vets I expect him to more than exceed his goal by at least 2-300%.

You’re proving his point. You call liberal democrats blatantly hypocritical for sending 2000 guns to Mexico but stab your fingers in your ears and run into walls before acknowledging Oliver North sending guns to Iran.

15 years later and you haven’t gotten wise yet. Oof. Next you’ll tell us we’ll find Saddam’s mobile bio-weapon labs any day now.

Yeah, you’re a cartoon.

Seeing you and those of your ilk for what you all are requires very little wisdom.

Kerry was never a hero and should have been prosecuted for treason for his actions in Paris. They should have reactivated him and tried him under the UCMJ.

As an officer they could have.

You and your ilk are responsible for the invasion of Iraq. Yet, you persist.

Both parties are responsible for the invasion of Iraq, see the votes on the AUMF.

Yet you show no regret and have learned nothing.

Wrong yet again but hey, at least you remain consistent. I’ve gone into great depth here many times over the years as to the errors made in Iraq.