O'Keefe/Project Veritas Says He'll Expose The Deep State

Bro, you dropped a doozy on us. This might be better than the mattress tag thread.

Clearly O’Keefe is part of the deep state himself. He’s doing everything he can to make Trumpets look pathetic.


I’m not a crook!

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I honestly don’t think he even watched the video at his link. He has said before he doesn’t read stuff he links to, he just looks for titles that sort of say what he thinks they’re going to say. It doesn’t always work out. He doesn’t care.

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Can someone link me to the mattress tag thread?

Sounds awesome.

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Did he wipe his butt with his fingers before this picture was taken?

Victoria Toensing and Joe DeGenova?

Sad to think that millions of numbnuts believe the ■■■■ these clowns are peddling.


So this guy publicly supports and campaigns for the DSA? So what?

Does it bother you in the least that you are getting played constantly by people who will gladly use your gullibility to enrich themselves? Honest question. Is there even a remote part of your brain that is like, “Wow, these people must really think I’m an idiot, since they keep promising me things I want to believe, but they never, ever, not a single time, as in never ever ever ever, produce?”

Maybe the “drip, drip, drip” is Cerebrospinal Fluid?

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I told him previously that he needed to see a good prostate specialist about that dripping, because there are cures in this day and age. :joy:

Does this Stuart Karrafa guy even work for the State department?

His LinkedIn profile says he’s “self employed”.

Most likely a low level contractor.

Yes, he alludes to his contractor status at State, and it’s clear that his dumb job is not the center of his life. Deep State Derp!

So stupid.

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This is the “deep” state? Bwahahahahhaha :rofl:

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There’s literally nothing deep statey about this video. What in the actual ■■■■■ I’m so disappointed.


So are the Derp Staters really suggesting that after we have a presidential election we need to replace every employee of the executive branch (including low-level contractors like Stuart) with rabid partisan members of the winning party?

Is that what they really want?

Love it how you left us with this troll thread while you’re still responding to other threads. Lol!