OK woman told to wait in car until she got sicker

You should not get an abortion.

thatā€™s a great comparison.

We talk about rights, and often the question is asked, dont the kids in school shooting have a right not to die in math class, and the conservative answer is, shrug, oh well, so long as I have a right to buy a gunā€¦


The 10th is.




Youā€™re shrugging right here.

Except when it comes to the child. Then its murder.

Itā€™s a messy freedomā€¦ like 2A.

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And by the same logic you shouldnā€™t have an opinion on what a Republican does.

Because right or wrong is determined by the perpetratorsā€¦ā€¦

Yeah, that logic is pretty moronic.



Point out this freedom to kill babies in the constitutionā€¦ā€¦.


By this argumentā€¦. Youā€™re arguing that the shooter should have the right to shoot up a school.

Sureā€¦ you go ahead and go there.


So show me exactly where in the constitution it even mentions infanticide.

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Except itā€™s not.

Rats. Ya beat me to it.

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I said nothing about the other cases. I specifically referenced this article for a reason. The right constantly dismisses the issue of rapes and abortion. The other reasons for abortion are more than up for discussion, but Iā€™m specifically asking about these estimated 65,000 cases.

BTW, I personally am against abortion, I just donā€™t support legislation against it. Also, Iā€™m not a slut shamer, thatā€™s for the pathetic Andrew Tate wannabeā€™s of the world.

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In a thread about abortion, the righties argues for the right to life, often considered an inalienable right created by God. But push up against any 2A restrictions, and suddenly that dearly held faith seems to go out the window.


You didnā€™t mention other cases. Thatā€™s true.

Thatā€™s because those ā€œother casesā€ are 99.3% of all abortions, and the bleeding heart cases you are using to justify that 99.3% amount to 0.6% percent of abortions.

Literally using the vast minority to justify the ā€œI donā€™t want to be a mom yet so Iā€™m going to kill my offspringā€ crowd.


Owning a gun doesnā€™t kill anyone.

An abortion kills a child every single time.


Dude, stay on point. Iā€™m referencing them because it is 65,000 cases that are generally out right dismissed by Republicans. 65,000. Do I need to repeat the number? Or is it just that 65,000 is not a concern to you?

I did not justify abortion. I never have. I just donā€™t support legislating against it.

Love to hear your thoughts about the 65,000 cases though. And just that portion of it, keep the other cases separate.

He literally just said kids donā€™t have a right to not get shot and killed in math class.

And you rush in to defend that idiotic statement? I find that beyond ironic when youā€™re talking about a fetusā€™ right to life.


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Iā€™ll see your 65K

And raise you over 70,000,000 children murdered since 73.

Out right dismissed by the left.

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