OK woman told to wait in car until she got sicker

Two questions

When did she find out she had a molar pregnancy?
How long until it causes cancer or whatever?

Those men on the SC decided it was up to the woman to chose.

GOP Congressmen and Presidential candidates are now saying we need to pass a national law limiting abortion for all 50 states. Mostly because some blue AND red states are passing laws and state Constitutional amendments that are too relaxed for their tastes.

This is either a states’ rights issue or it isn’t. Pick a lane and stay in it.

Do you understand what a molar pregnancy is, and the risk it poses to the woman? This isn’t debatable, she needs to have it excised. It is not a fetus, it is a tumor.

This is about as dumb as it gets.

You are arguing that you don’t need to take a tumor out until it starts to cause you problems.

You see how dumb that is, right? the time to take out tumors is BEFORE they start to cause you problems.

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I think cost is the greatest barrier. Plus, it takes a lot longer to become an MD here than in other countries, who fast track the whole thing. We have foreign medical graduates coming here for residencies with zero debt to their name and they compete with US graduates who may have a half million or more in debt before they even leave residency or fellowship.

I still think state colleges for state residents should be free of cost, just as HS educations are. Funded by the respective states’ taxes. And this is coming from a guy who doesn’t have kids and pays plenty of taxes.

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When did she find out her pregnancy was molar?
How long before it causes cancer?

It was not within their authority to decide. They legislated from the bench. They’ve got blood on their hands.

Roe v Wade was a worst case of judicial activism - legislating from the bench.

These 7 justices usurped legislative authority and undermined the constitutional process.


She probably found out by transvaginal ultrasound. These pregnancies show faster than normal ones, so the uterus will be very large for the age of pregnancy and she will probably be bleeding as well, usually in the 4th or 5th month.

The later you go, the higher the risk that instead of being located in the uterus, it will become invasive and spread inside her. This can lead to either focal relatively benign cancer or metastatic cancer. Metastatic cancer means the end of her ability to have children in the future.

At the first sign of diagnosis, it is highly important to schedule a D&C ASAP. There are a host of complications associated with molar pregnancies that can be avoided by doing so, such as thyroid storm, uterine perforation and chorecarcinoma.

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But according to the (cough cough) article
she apparently came straight from the car and was told to wait in the car until she got sicker.

One of my friends has a serious (45% survival rate, time matters) heart condition as has been told she must wait until June until she can have the routine-ish surgery required

What happened? In this pregnancy case?
She was told to wait in the car?

Apparently she rushed into the ER demanding surgery now now now!

Yes, in this country we have long waiting periods for surgery. That’s because we have a sucky indoctrination-based education system that has created a severe shortage of doctors.

It has nothing, nothing nothing to do with abortion.
The story is a total ruse.

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If in doubt…follow the money. :ok_hand: :wink:

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I think it’s fish and olive oil.

I know you like blathering about this being a ruse, but for the record, women with molar pregnancies can suffer from hyperemesis gravidarum, malignant hypertension and thyroid storm. Plus uterine perforation. All life threatening conditions.


Did you read the article? Because in the article, right at the very top there’s a link to Mayo’s site explaining what molar pregnancies are and precisely how dangerous they can be to the mother. If you had, I’d imagine a smart fella like yourself wouldn’t be asking such asinine questions that are easily answered.

Regarding when she found out, it doesn’t seem to matter. The complications are not a matter of if, it seems, but rather to what degree, and the longer the issue prolongs without being addressed seems to increase the odds of a consequential result exponentially.

And then there’s the fact that based on the story, it seems like she had a full molar pregnancy, which would mean there’s no fetus anyways, but appeared as a pregnancy. Even knowing this, the self-righteous die-hards remain steadfast in their resolve to see this woman suffer. And for no point whatsoever.

ETA: And what does your friend’s story have to do with this woman’s story? She was not rejected because they had a shortage of doctors, they were rejected for fear of legal consequences should they proceed.

Honestly, I’m glad the Repubs are taking these positions. I’ve been a bit nervous about Biden being our choice but so long as they continue to push this ■■■■■ the general public will continue to reject it, as we’ve seen in basically every circumstance it’s been tested.

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How do you feel about these 65,000 women who didn’t “want to keep their legs closed”?

The numbers in here are pretty jarring.


None of these justices forced any woman to get an abortion. They left the choice up to them.

That’s freedom.


They decided it is up to the woman to decide.

Isn’t that better than 7 men telling women what to do with their bodies?

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If you take 200 babies aborted, only one would have been for the reason you use as justification.

The other 199 dead kids are from the reason you’re arguing against.


It’s freedom for everyone but the one that’s doing the dying.


Like having 2A… the cost of having the freedom is messy but necessary